
Yeah I had an insurance lady ask if I was from California (I was born there) because of my social, that was my introduction to SSNs being geographically assigned. But I've never had anyone say it doesn't look right, given the amount of people moving around the country it would be really odd for someone to question

I remember when I was first told it seemed like I thought I was better than everyone else, it came as quite a shock as I totally wished I could be as outgoing and "smooth" as other folks. I'm not as shy as I used to be, but I'm still more than comfortable doing my own thing.

I've gotten into building my own furniture on the cheap from construction lumber myself recently. Did a decent TV stand from a simple table. The plans are from this website

Crazy, yes. Awesome, well I suppose in the sense it would evoke awe, yes. Hilarious, eh, not really.

Holy hell I can imagine.

Holy hell I can imagine.

Both actually, the 10" is a trade off between agility and surface area covered. 12" would of course be better for shielding you vitals against most handgun calibers due to its area (be sure to face the skillet outward from you with the flat part toward your chest so the walls will protect from shrapnel). But the 10"

Both actually, the 10" is a trade off between agility and surface area covered. 12" would of course be better for

No, lodge is a great deal and made in the USA.

No, lodge is a great deal and made in the USA.

I really recommend the 10" skillet over the 12". I have both and find I'm using my 10" much more. It's surprising easier to wield, the 12" is a tad heavy to swing around easily especially when scalding hot.

I really recommend the 10" skillet over the 12". I have both and find I'm using my 10" much more. It's surprising

Yeah, this list is bogus. They're missing some major cities not just in the US but the world...

I doubt that would fool any mortgage lender, when I got mine they looked at all my accounts including my 401k and IRAs. They will also demand an explanation for any erroneous income; I had been traveling for work and was getting reimbursed for expenses to the tune of a few thousand dollars (airfare and hotel for more

I've always thought variable break lights would be helpful. Either in brightness or in a pattern of lights. It would serve to let you know how hard someone was stepping on the brakes.

I started a few years ago at the temples, getting a little thin. I put off getting my hair cut because it just reminds me that it's going to leave, and I have this impression that longer hair helps cover it up. However this last time I got it cut pretty short, like 1/2-3/4 inch, and I noticed the thin areas actually

"I feel like we have been drifting apart. I really enjoy your friendship. How do you feel? Can we make an effort to become better friends again?"

"So if you tell your cat "no," he scratches anyway, and you claim he "doesn't listen," you're wrong. He's not capable of listening because he has no clue what you're talking about."

I'm in the unfortunate position of having to listen to a chronic complainer complain to someone else who sits next to me. "Stacy, your conversation is making it difficult for me to remain positive and productive" Is what I'll say next time I feel like telling her to shut the fuck up, and then slowly put my headphones

A aircraft interior company in the Seattle area. We're hiring all over the country though.

Try harded, I started at $25k just to get in the door. I'm quite pleased with what I make now, but I'm also very good at what I do.

True. There are also a lot of potatos in this industry though and it makes me wonder what part of the bell curve these people who can't find jobs would fall on. Also, if anyone is interested my company is hiring (referral bonus baby!).

Yeah you're supposed to toggle the carb heat during your runup too, forgot about that, methinks he might have slacked afterall. My previous indignance is recinded.

Ugh, program management. Write your own damn coord memos ;)