I think this is one of the most effed up articles I've ever read. Clueci tried to frame Saartjie's participation in a freak show as choice, and managed to write the largest article I've ever read without nuance.
Saartjie, a name given to her by COLONIZERS, was SOLD as PROPERTY to a man in a different country and then…
As a Khoi descendant and a South African, I find the comparisons you have made naive and offensive.I believe it is naive to think that Saartjie was a free woman, to be able to make the choice to wilfully exploit her body.She was a salve and illiterate,she could not have known what she was signing, she was obligated to…
I don't care what race you are you cannot convince me to eat chickpea tabbouleh or whatever the fuck that is. #whitepeoplekitchen #whitepeoplefood
A muffin is just a sad, naked cupcake with nothing to live for.
Winnie Cooper and Kevin Arnold are why I have unrealistic expectations about relationships.
Not to distract from the glory of this — because it's goddamn spectacular — but why does this person have so many cameras outside of the house? Looks like three different shots.
Completely agree with almost everything he's saying, I guess I find it a little disappointing that given the opportunity this situation has afforded Jones to bring these kind of issues up, half of what he talks about is essentially "I told you so" and "Why didn't anybody listen to me." Is there a lot of high...horsing…
Yes. As mentioned in the article you are commenting on.
Oh fuck you with the Jackie Robinson analogy. 1940s America is not 2010s America, and black folk don't have to be held to some phony standard of temperance and integrity in order to be respectable. Jackie Robinson was right for his time, and it's really a shame if you think about it. White America was only willing…
Jackie could have gotten lynched. Funny how people ignore that.
That's the dumbest fucking horseshit in the world and you're an idiot for believing it.
Hearing white dudes wax philosophical to other white dudes about how hypothetical black people should react to hypothetical racism never gets old.
Luckily, it was the perfect texture for absorbing the impact!
How in hell am I actually respecting Sherri Shepherd? This I never thought would happen. Barbara Walters just reaffirms the contempt I already have felt for her for many years.
You know what... I'm sorry but fuck you. I weight 190 lbs and I am not nauseated constantly, have stomach pains all the time, I can swallow just fine, and if I wanted to, I could have children (I don't want them). So stop trying to "Save The Fatties" and work through your own insecurities before judging us.
If you knew that Sherman was a cornerback, so his job is to stop the OTHER guy from catching the oblong sphere, we may take your comment more seriously. Also, what the hell has Skip accomplished?