
"I spent $40 on it so I use it to validate the purchase." LOL! I LOVE her!

No, I think it's clear, given the context, that the person expressing bewilderment interpreted her friend's advice as a criticism of her work experience, but the fact is that that is not necessarily the case. It might have been, but it might not have been . Of course I am sensitive to the poster feeling defensive

Um. WUT? Is it bestiality if they are both animals?

I agree with the person below who says this is correct. It's not that it's a "lowly" experience, but at a certain point you're expected to have had other more substantive experiences to add to your resume. Now, a college kid, maybe not. But I've looked at applications for clerkship positions with stuff like "camp

What is this science? I don't understand!

You know, if they came out with a "healthy" coke that wasn't low calorie, but which used natural iningredients, real sugar, and no unpronounceable chemicals, and served it in a portion size with a reasonable number of calories, I would totally go for that. But I F-ing hate the racket that is diet soda.

Because of her "Let's Move" campaign.

Honestly, it didn't even occur to me that the writer might be black. I would hope that even the most uninformed black person could do a little better than discussing the "white-people-section" of the bus. Lol.

Seriously, eggs are the answer to the obesity epidemic. How do I stay thin you say? How do I manage to eat at home and cook yummy nutritious meals quickly? Well, almost every dinner I make involves an egg. An omelet with diced sausage, green pepper, onion and potato? Yes please! Some pan seared sweat potato and

Surprisingly good! (Much better than Christina Agulierra's version with Elton). If only she'd stop hissing her Ss!

Fantasy couple!

Email is better. My ten person friend group from college has a listserve. Yup, you heard me. We have a listserve. We email each other on it regularly. Sometimes they try to group text but it's not as fun. Mostly because I can't embed ex[ressive gifs into group texts.

"she had previously birthed three other children, none of whom she ate"

Interesting. I have never noticed a lingering smell of garlic after cutting it. Nor have I ever smelled garlic and thought anything other than, "yum! garlic!"

Looks like him, but does nothing for me (unlike cartoon Eric, yowza!). Wouldn't give up my voice for that guy. Now, I would accept some creative casting here. Jesse Williams? Andrew Garfield? The idea of someone who falls in love with a girl who can't talk is sketchy, so they need someone with alot of emotional

Wait, you're being serious? I thought you were just commenting on the lack of ethnic diversity in the commercial. Of course everyone gets Down Syndrome.

I love love LOVE that her friends are her backup dancers. I mean, they are literally there to back their girl up! As opposed to, you know, amplifying J Lo's hotness by clonishly mirroring it. That's awesome! Almost awesome enough to make me overlook how the male rap star objectifies both his back up girls and J Lo,

Agreed. The whole time I watched the movie I was like, "WHAT KIND OF PREGNANT WOMAN WOULD JUST INGEST A WEIRD HERB BECAUSE HER NEIGHBOR SAID SO!!!?" Google that ish! Google the doctor! Why is she eating raw meat!? How can she not know how bad all of this stuff is for her!?

I am 100% that they asked her and Zoe refused to cut her hair. She just doesn't seem like she is cool/confident/committed enough to do something like that for a role — even though she would look ADORABLE with a pixie cut.

Stunning! Her thick brown hair is wonderful. I really hope volume comes back. I'm so tired of these long lank extensions everyone has. People should use extensions (to the extent they want to use them) to get thicker hair, not just long weird Paris Hilton extensions. This length is gorgeous on her. So