
She makes me so happy to be a brown skinned girl! Makes me want to big chop again!

Lol. I just pinned like, three items to Pinterest. Whatever!

I thought it was kinda cute.

I remember watching her first season. She has never looked like her mom to me. And she was beautiful (if heavy handed with the make up) before her surgery too.

Farah is beautiful. I've never seen someone look less like their mother.

I literally just fwded this to my friends (who previously went as California Gurls with me in 2010) saying the exact same thing. Except I want to be a cat-headed back up dancer, not a Katy-Patra :)

I came here to say that!

What's going on with the top of her head?

So much pretty.

I hear that, and have seen some crazy Photoshop nightmares, but I thought these women all looked like themselves.

He should've been in the pink :)

I'm sure there was. I mean, I am happy with how I look, and I get the general message, but if someone gave me some awesome professional photos I would be like "F yeah!" and change my profile pic. Yes, curves and freckles are beautiful and all, but if someone wants to erase my acne scars and make my skin look radiant

I don't shave above the knee either. Get it girl.


Michelle Obama

I think I love the whole thing. Her lipstick ties the shoes in nicely.

Title Correction: Vanessa Bayer was once deemed ugly enough for a TV commercial.

I've always been good to you people!!!

Sherri looks great with the curly hair in the second clip and that red dress! Rosie looks really pretty too!

God knows I do!