
To be honest, I always felt sort of bad for the Bush twins. They were in college during his presidency, not elementary/high school, and they didn’t do anything a million others college students didn’t. It wasn’t their fault their dad was a) president, and b) an appalling one at that, and they both seem to have grown

Truth! One of my favorite quotes:

Me too! My baby sister is 15 so Barack is the only president she’s ever really known. We watched the Obama’s come out on stage that first night and she was so excited that Sasha and Malia looked like her! And they were so brave!

K but the real question is, will he speak at Malala’s graduation?


I think I’m going to miss Malia’s side-eye most of all.

I’m going to sob when he leaves office. I can’t imagine having another president as willing to show his kind, loving, emotional side.

Well, anyone can develop PTSD but there are studies that show that people who grew up with child abuse or have previously experienced other trauma are more susceptible to developing PTSD. Essentially, acute stress produces changes in our brains and that can sometimes lead people to being more vulnerable to PTSD when

It’s just like Jesus said, “Guys, if I just give you all these loaves and fishes, it will de-incentivize you from working hard to earn those loaves and fishes.”

I have PTSD from rape too. I know what it is as well. My dad has PTSD from Vietnam and Iraq. My brother has it from Bosnia. Guess what? None of us beat the shit out of our spouses! Imagine. Fucking. That.

I want to be frank. Brotherology’s PTSD - he is a combat vet who served in a very violent area of Afghanistan - has at times included threatening people. But he knows himself well enough not to own a gun. And he works on his temper and nightmares.

They come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airmen every other member of the military so sacrificially have given to this country.

And I wonder what would be the best way for veterans to get the health care they need? BY THE VERY REFORMS THAT REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR FUCKING DECADES!

Yes and yes.

In the Gawker post I pointed out that going on about his (mythical, since he never saw combat) PTSD history is making an excuse for DV and several men huffily told me I have no idea what PTSD is or is not. Except I have it, because I was raped. But mansplain it to me some more! Because men cannot be held

She’s right! We need more “Support our Troops” magnets on the backs of SUV’s!

Didn’t her son, like, not even see combat while he was there? And isn’t this the son that was basically forced to join the army to avoid jailtime because he’s always been a raging shithawk?

We absolutely need to have better systems in place to support vets who come back from the war carrying the enormous mental, emotional, and physical scars of combat.

Yet she’d never pay for medical care to support other vets.... :/

I think that there is some unconscious bias that made Lander downplay their contribution, made the editors at Cell not send the paper to Doudna or Charpentier for review, etc etc. Add up a bunch of these scientific microagressions over the course of a few years and you get stories like this.

I’d say the dispute in and of itself isn’t gendered, but the narrative Lander has been using to consistently dismiss Doudna’s and Charpentier’s achievements very much is (this isn’t the first time he’s attempted to write the history in a way that favors Zhang). He has relied on the old chestnut describing Doudna et