
Especially if the jury was manipulated into a conviction.

I also suspect it was to keep her off the property, because once she was paroled she went back to where she lived before: with Avery. The Manitowoc police didn’t need her, and so it turned into a matter of her own freedom. I am a bit curious as to how a parole officer can day, “no contact with ____ or else back in

Blood found in the car STRAIGHT UP looked like a q-tip was used to swab it on. If it had come from a cut finger, it would’ve been smeared, or dripping, not in that perfect little curlicue they planted. Let’s not forget Avery’s blood sample had been tampered with... and the CAR WAS FOUND DAYS BEFORE IT WAS DISCOVERED

Here’s what convinced me that Avery didn’t commit the murder: the recorded phone calls between him and Jodi.

Not to mention that if Teresa was shot in the garage, where was all the blood? No blood was ever found. “He had 5 days to clean up.” Um, did you see that garage? It was not clean. It was cluttered, dusty and looked like a regular garage. There was no trace, no spot, no splatter.

If these are the main two pieces of evidence not supplied, I think I will stick by the conclusion of the film, and agree they weren’t important. And I remember them talking about the bullet? The fact that it matched the gun, when there were TONS of found bullets on the property from Avery’s gun, that was months later

Cutting her throat would have resulted in arterial spray of up to 4ft away and would have covered EVERYTHING. There is no way she was murdered in his trailer with a cut to the throat. Even the best cleaners in the world can’t remove 100% of blood evidence Andy IF they had attempted to clean the blood, it would have

the jurors were in a terrible situation. i read that one of the jurors was the father of a mantiowoc co sheriff’s deputy!! everyone on that jury knew if they thought Avery was NG and cause a hung jury that the local law enforcement would know who caused the mistrial

You realize that was an intentional manipulative comment right? He didn't slip up and call her that by accident. He was trying to color the jury's perspective of her. He wanted them to see her as a helpless, vulnerable child to get them riled up and pissed off. (Sidenote: she was helpless and vulnerable - no doubt

YES. EXACTLY. My personal (not all that in-depth) theory is that he found the car, and her body in the back, nearish the Avery property at that point, which then gave him time to work with his buddies to get the evidence planting wheels in motion. The sheriffs wouldn’t want to risk him getting out on a DNA test again,

Or she could have had car trouble at some point and he looked at it for her. It’s like the truthers screaming that Amanda Knox had to have killed Meredith Kercher because both their DNA was on the same knife in the same house where they were roommates preparing dinner—it’s hardly the smoking gun Kratz thinks it is.

I still want to know how that one cop, Andy Colborn, called in Teresa’s license plate and knew the make and model of her car two days before the car was discovered.

also wasn’t the control for the dna test for the bullet contaminated?

Look at what happened to Jodi. She basically got bullied by them into breaking up with him.

If they found a bullet with her blood on it, where is the rest of the blood? As someone who hunts, bloody bullets don’t end up places without a lot of blood matter around them. You get a through and through on a deer, there is a big mess of an exit wound that bleed places.

Seriously, if they say Brendan Dassey’s confession is real, where the hell is all that blood evidence? The mattress would have had a lot of blood stains since Dassey claims they slashed her throat. Also was any of Dassey’s DNA found in the car?

I saw a talk show with a cop from the Hurricane Carter case. He sat there and lied out his ass about the evidence, still covering for himself and the others on the case. These guys will NEVER tell the truth. NEVER.

Don’t forget, “Reasonable doubt is for innocent people.” After saying that he should have just been disbarred on the spot.

Oh creepy-voiced Ken, when I watched the episode in which your misogynistic and abusive behavior reduced your prosecutorial career to a tiny pile of shit, the schadenfreude

I think it would be interesting to study the mental processes of prosecutors in cases like these. I get the feeling that it would be less odious for them to lose a case than it seems to be for their ‘win’ to be deemed In Error. You see lots of prosecutors confronted with DNA exculpation go “Nope! I got my guy!”