Yup. And he literally joined Twitter just to spew this vile garbage. That, or he was too chickenshit to do it from his usual account.
Ugh do you think he said that to the gunman in that slow, plodding monotone that he uses for every other occasion?
Oh my GAWD what a condescending twat this guy is. Video of the actual moment:
Yeah, John...
He’s no cunt... he lacks depth and warmth.
If it was a legitimate question I’m sure the candidate has ways of, you know, shutting the whole thing down.
Eleven was apparently based on something that had actually happened to Ms. Cisneros when she was younger! My favourites are One Holy Night, Bien Pretty (once you tell a man he’s pretty, there’s no taking it back - classic), Never Marry A Mexican and the one about the dancer - Tristan? I love the title story too
It’s pretty walrus-y.
House on Mango Street completely changed me as a person and as a writer. I read it in middle school - a private girls school where I stuck out as the poor, weird, crazy, queer girl - and I felt so enlivened by a story which described poverty and otherness. Her writing validated my experiences. She’s definitely one of…
They’re so concerned about ending the autism “epidemic” that they’re creating actual epidemics out of preventable diseases. Fucking incredible.
By their own data, a majority (60%) of parents whose children have autism do not agree with the statement that vaccines were linked to their child’s autism. (You’d have to have a child with Autism to qualify for the resondent group for that question). So, they’re not just losing the arguement with the general public…
You guys, I have hit peak old person.
Why does it have to be one length? And why does it need to be below the shoulders?
The question is, who do you think cares?
Found this on FB a few days ago. Makes sense to me.
If there’s one group of people I’m always trying to please with my looks, it’s dudes who troll women’s beauty blogs to talk about their dick-feelings about different women’s hairstyles. I don’t know what it is about those guys, but they just do it for me.
Um, because women get abortions and men get guns.
Supple. ‘Supple’ is the grossest word. ‘Moist’ has got nothing on supple.