This is entirely too inside baseball, but short term continuing resolutions are a fucking horrible way to keep the government running.
This is entirely too inside baseball, but short term continuing resolutions are a fucking horrible way to keep the government running.
You’d think that if he really wanted to clear up some money for cancer research, he’d attack the most bloated beneficiary of American tax-dollars; the military. (Hint; he doesn’t really)
“His wife, who works for a plastic surgeon who treats women who’ve had mastectomies. His point being that cancer kills, and we could “quadruple” cancer spending if we only defunded Planned Parenthood”.
He could also cancel the ongoing Benghazi hearing since it’s soooo damn redundant.
the jp morgan ceo makes $20 million dollars and i dont see him facilitating ovarian cancer screenings
Seriously. I don’t really get the gripe over her salary. Sure, it’s high, but she is the CEO of a company with about 820 locations, thousands of employees, and a $1 billion budget. She has to deal with running the clinics and lobbying for the right to serve their ever-expanding patient base. Her safety is routinely at…
It’s not even that big, when you look at what men heading financial firms or tech companies or (ANY industry, basically) make, and those dudes basically make a living moving money from one pile to another and sucking each others dicks.
To Republicans on Committee: Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
“What I don’t like, what I don’t want to tolerate, what I don’t want to become numb to is wasting those taxpayer dollars.”
I take only two points away from this:
No y axis label of any kind
I am all for funding cancer research, no one is against funding cancer research, but SERIOUSLY. Chairman Chaffetz, the funding that Planned Parenthood receives from the government GOES TOWARD CANCER SCREENING (breast exams, pap smears, STD testing, you know, testing for THINGS THAT CAUSE CANCER). I am seriously…
“It doesn’t feel like we’re trying to get to the truth here,” Richards responded dryly. And, a moment later: “My lawyers just informed me that the source of this information is Americans United for Life, an anti-abortion group. I would check your source.” (Indeed, the source is listed in the bottom right corner of…
Subway and corporate chains like it aren’t symbols of gentrification. The worst area I’ve ever lived in had fast food joints because those are the sorts of places where the residents can afford to eat.
Shoreditch hasn’t been even remotely affordable for at least a decade. There’s an Ace Hotel right around the corner from that cafe. There are tons of incredibly expensive shops all around that area. Targeting that shitty cafe is quite odd.
Dollars to donuts, those aren’t local residents.
I actually think it’s a pretty neat concept if they, you know, made cereal.
Well, obviously launching a physical assault on any business is not constructive, but I think the resentment long time residents might feel about a place that is clearly intended to serve the people pricing them out of their homes is understandable and not entirely unfair, independently owned or not. Those businesses…