What I'm saying is that if you decry predatory lending practices, there is a consistent morality if not ethics by abstaining from the process if you have a choice to
What I'm saying is that if you decry predatory lending practices, there is a consistent morality if not ethics by abstaining from the process if you have a choice to
Except that you (and they) are intentionally misrepresenting the intent of those Bible passages. The spirit of Jesus's teachings are remarkably consistent—the powerless can be forgiven for participating in systems that they have little or no control over (slavery, prostitution, etc.), but the powerful are sinning by…
This is interesting—I had no idea that Evangelicals believed this. I mean, it makes sense—they're so damn literal about the bible. But you'd think that they could see that borrowing money isn't a sin—lending at usurous rate is. There's a clear victim and a clear violator, there. Their position is sort of like…
This exists! Check out Pepperberry!
The thing is, your boyfriend is sort of on to something—but it doesn't make it okay. I've read a couple of theories that catcalling is more widespread in minority communities perhaps because it's an expression of dominance and power that is ~allowed~. So, basically, because they feel powerless in society in general,…
That's a fair question—I think the main difference is in the perception. There's generally a negative association with longer/noticeable labia—so much so that there's a plastic surgery industry building up around altering labia. Not so with nipples. People usually use those petal things to achieve some sort of…
What segment? What are you talking about? Are you talking about the television show from which the author learned about the Cuchini? Are you talking about the product itself? Or are you talking about the article? What specifically do you think is damaging the women's movement?
Uhhh... You realize that the article is criticizing the product, right? The product implicitly shames women for the natural shapes of their bodies, and the article mocks that. So... how exactly is the article setting back the women's movement?
If a tiger showed up at my door, I'd keep the damn door shut and call animal control or the zoo or some-damn-body. I'm not saying you're wrong about the thinking—I just think it's even more polluted. Gun owners (especially inexperienced, untrained gun owners) get drunk on the idea that they have a way to protect…
Or maybe she doesn't want to have sex with the type of douche nozzle who would catalog all of her responses to sex and then tell her he won't miss her while she's out of town because she's so frigid (because, obvs, the only thing she's good for is teh sex), and then send that catalog to her work email.
I love Ninja Warrior too! I was at a work function once and someone was describing how he stumbled on this wacky show where Japanese people dress up and do an insane obstacle course—and I totally pounced on him and started babbling about how great Ninja Warrior was. I'm usually a really quiet person, so I'm pretty…
True—and it teaches compassion for the people that do those jobs—that they're working hard and deserve to be treated well by customers.
The concept is completely different—first, Ninja Warrior is WAY harder than I remember Gladiator being. Like, way, way harder. But also there's just something different in the spirit of it. Ninja Warrior participants aren't competing against each other (or some opposing force like the Gladiators)—they're only…
Here's what my complaint is: You bought a bag that was clearly labeled as oranges and now you're complaining that they aren't apples. Jezebel is pop culture/feminism site. The slant there is obvious. If you want hard news, go somewhere else (no really, please go somewhere else). Don't complain that you're not…
You're still dwelling on—what?—4 sentences out of a rather lengthy piece (and those sentences are at the verrrry beginning of the article, which makes me think, again, that you didn't bother to read the whole thing). Like I already said, I agree that the language there is slanted. But Tracie goes on to catalog the…
I read the whole article, and while I'd agree that some of the language is slanted, it definitely gives a fact-based account that is fair to Oberst and left me feeling like the woman was disturbed. The slanted language is likely to guard against the opposite effect—which is far, far more common in the media—of the…
Did you read that article all the way through? It absolutely casts doubt on her claims. She sounds like a disturbed person with a fixation on Oberst. You just read one sentence in the first paragraph, didn't you?
I'm not sure how many times you've been a 20-something woman who was pursued by an older man, but I can tell you from experience that you are wrong. Those men are insecure and pathetic and need the trophy of a young pussy to make them feel like they are worth something. Give it 5 years and any intelligent woman that…
I realize you're being a dick, but I'm going to answer you as though this was a serious assertion: