Black Attack

"How could you let that guy in the building?" - Assistant Manager, Red Lobster

Chris Benoit for WWE Hall of Fame!

There are no hot snacks on this list? If there was Totinos Pizza Rolls would be the clear cut winner.

Farooq looks like he about to get some cold cuts tonight!!!

His name was Javier and I met him when I worked at the bookstore in college. He was super hot, but that's because all he cared about in the world was his body. Good for him! Good for him. But between working out and moisturizing and hair care and trimming and and and, there was...not much left. But super hot and

Vinne DigestsABirdie

can't finish at the rim

Greg has the power to control gravity. He can only increase it, though.

Wow, they actually found a way to put the words "Cleveland Browns" and "pathetic" in the same sentence and yet STILL BE WRONG. Damn.

Well, at least we know who is "up next" at Carolina....

Pictured: Yet another Cam Newton turn over.

If it gets rid of Randy Edsall any quicker, we'd be glad to give UAB our bid.

The one time "getting hit by a car" would actually apply to a list, and it's left off. smh.

Please oh please let RG3 end up with St. Louis and emerge as their franchise quarterback. This is what Dan Snyder deserves more than anything else.

Incognito abruptly left when he heard the Broncos were a dark horse.

Does it help with your superiority complex to stereotype individuals who chooses to play different electronic entertainment than you do as a "Dew-swilling, Dorito-munching dudebros"?

Royals fans: burning up their 20 years of goodwill in mere days.