
I liked it all except for how much the character models reminded me of the character models for Fable I through III. Maybe it's just me.

I thought they would have responded to the allegations of being contacted and nearly made to help hack into IW's emails. Clearly not a big issue though.

I've thought about that. I'm into certain types of Art, I'm certain of that.

Does anybody who has ever had a large lack of drive or motivation have any advice to spare? Apathy is killing me at my Art School and I am worried it's too late for me to make up for what I haven't handed in. I know in the end it is my fault if I fail, but it would still be nice to hear from someone who has shared

You all misspelled Sons of Anarchy.

....I did....

Bad review is bad.

It's the one that came with every copy of Skyrim. You could see the creases where the folds were.

I already knew what it meant long before seeing it in this article. I just hadn't ever seen it used before this.

Off topic but I'm curious if the writer of this article used the word 'Zeitgeist' correctly, as the word roughly translates to 'time spirit' or 'spirit of time'.

Ya. After reading that I required a change of pants.

You're most welcome. Let me know how that Heart attack treats you. I'll heart you if you survive it.

Only real men eat Bacon wrapped Bacon with Baconaise and a spread of MSG.....while having a heart attack.

Snacktacku is great and if you don't like it you can just gieeeeeeeeeeet out.

Don't forget to add a pound of melted Butter to the Baconaise though.

Real men eat Celery with Baconaise.

Hurr hurr hurr. You're so funny with your subtly asinine remarks. Thanks.

That's really cool and surprisingly detailed. I'm left wondering where the Error: 3003 or 37 are though. Are they reserved for the toes?

Might as well throw Pikmin in there to. Samus and Fox can band together to find the missing parts for their Spaceship and ultimately save the Pikmin. That or Olimar is the villain.

Hahahaha. Hearted. That's so true.