
Capcom just wants everyone to hate them it seems. I couldn't see myself supporting Dragons Dogma now that I know what went on behind the scenes. It's pretty sad.

Hahaha. Am I the only one who finds this hilarious? Hahahaha.

Either of them could play my Harp any day.

If only that Overwatch Soldier just jumped up on those steps. He would have been safe. Great video though. Good for a smile.

The Nights Watch Guinness is by far the best. That beer is blessed by the new Gods and the Old.

'Mass Erect' was funny when Zero Punctuation used it in his review.......for Mass Effect 1.

I watched the whole thing and even rewatched some segments. It was a very well done and well thought out little documentary. Everything was supported and backed up and even things that were labeled as plausible or ruled out were still given some insight as to why they were.

Cry more. Kotaku has had very few articles relating to the ME3 ending in the past few weeks. And if you don't like it, then don't fucking click on it.

Thanks for sharing your incredibly insightful and well thought out opinion, you stupid bastard.

That's a different kind of scary, though.

Is it true that Weird Al wrote that song for CBFD?

I recall reading that towards the end of the writing, that Casey Hudson locked himself in a room for, what...two days so that he alone could write out the finale for Mass Effect 3.

I saw the GT review for this last night, and reading this review pretty much covers it all but in better detail. The game is an absolute joke. Just when I thought they could not make the Fable series any more disappointing after III, they go and release this. I honestly feel bad for anyone who spends money on it.

Pretty entertaining. Solid voice on her. And I suppose under the right circumstances, I'd do her. =P

It worked well for LA Noire and Gears 3. I imagine it will work just as well for Max Payne. I'm still on the fence about the multiplayer though. The completionist in me does not want to get to level 50 in the MP. Especially after how long it's taken me to get Seriously 3.0.


I heard he came as soon as he heard they beat the Elite Four....

You're lucky Cave Johnson isn't here to read that. He would probably have you euthanized. Or at least sent to fight the Mantis Men.

Decent effort. But the music killed it for me.

Yes. Valve totally and completely abandoned the IP that put them where they are today.