Have they found the multiplayer component?
Have they found the multiplayer component?
I’ve been following Nordic’s progress with Darksiders and have been cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a third game. I love the first 2. The soundtracks and art styles especially. If it does happen I’ll be a very happy gamer!
Darksiders 3 Darksiders 3. Must have Darksiders 3...
fuck him. who cares. good riddance. these asshole twitch players/streamers are pure garbage/poison to the gaming industry. they ruin the fun by carrying/charging people to tag along for shitty experiences bc of incompetent entitled children.
Thank god! He was awful... certainly not a loss in this case.
I remember going into MC with a random 40 man group in December 2004 (not a lot of 60s back then, including some in the group!) and wiping repeatedly on the first Molten Giant pull. Those were the days.
The game is not a MOBA. Battleborn is a MOBA, this is an objective based shooter similar to Team Fortress.
Hence the name for trench coats came from. It was used by almost all sides as a coat/rain cover, the back had a cape-like flap that you could pull up over your head.
Man, I just (finally!) finished Dark Souls 2 last night, and I didn’t notice anything like this. Maybe I was just lucky!
Alot, indeed.
It will probably mean a lot for the move towards the mainstream of eSports that they will carry a tournament of a game with mainstream appeal. While MOBAs are incredibly popular among gamers, they are very dense and extremely difficult to watch without also being a MOBA player. Even watching the Newbie stream of The…
[Shot in the dark] Tribes.
You can tell it’s an Hi-Rez game because all the females are busty bimbos.
Oh it wouldn’t be for a first-time run or anything, I’m saying I’m interested in playing it like this as someone who has beaten the game a few times and wants to try something new. I love games that let you play through in various ways and let you make up your own challenges and limitations.
... wow
Been SLI’n, CrossfireX’n, stylin’ and profilin’ since 2010! Wooooooooooo! Never had a problem.
“Never SLI?” Bahahaha. You are diluted, for sure. And, of course there are GPU’s that can play new games at 60fps @ 1080p. You are just misinformed and living in another world. Even just a single 970 can play the majority of well made games at 60fps on a 1080 panel.
I’m sorry for being straight-on, but what the hell are you talking about?
I like how you guys are starting to use Kotaku to brag about your game accomplishments.