I wish I still had my old TV for my 8-bit consoles. Unfortunately it got to the point where even the trusty bang-on-the-top technique wouldn't stop its screen from flickering and we threw it out :(
I wish I still had my old TV for my 8-bit consoles. Unfortunately it got to the point where even the trusty bang-on-the-top technique wouldn't stop its screen from flickering and we threw it out :(
Dear God, please, don't give anyone any ideas.
Oh you kids. Plugging a new console into the identical TV I played on as a kid wouldn't impress me one little bit, but you guys are buzzing over this!
The horror
how to not see the humour in Saigon_Ballad's comment like a dumbass
Unfortunately it's the parents who will be paying for the console, not the kid, so this ad might backfire somewhat.
Ignoring sports and flight sims, name one fun game that makes absolute sense. GO!
Bat meat
Mass Effect 3. It opens with the Reaper attack on Earth, you play through a short sequence where you have to reach an evac ship...then this happens:
For only $60 you get all the features from the PC version (which I bought for $5 in the Steam Sales) only now in glorious 900p and 30fps!
Thank you for putting Visionaries front-and-centre, Mike. Such an underrated series.
Nice to see the ladies actually wanting comic book superhero movies nowadays, instead of scoffing at the whole genre for being nerdy and immature.
It was the standard bundled controller in Japan in 2002. Then it was released in the rest of the world later (still in 2002)
Of course you reaslise I was bring 100% serious? War atrocities can and should be forgiven for tasty foods and beverages. The world would be a much better place.
Fair enough I suppose. I bet pizza had a little to do with it though :P
This is the first time I've ever heard a person claim that pizza is American. I had no idea. I'm quite shocked, actually.
Have you noticed how people always seem to forget Italy whenever WWII is brought up? It's like they get a free pass because of pizza.
Officer Penisarms I assume?
Ugh! That stuff looks foul. You're supposed to put that in your mouth? Ugh!