
So why comment? Obviously you do care.

I never mentioned my own morals, doc. Notice I said "what if"? :)

Me too lol

Now how could I learn anything by doing that?

Ah, DanCopeland. Completely missed the point of my post :)

The best response I've received regarding that point was from Jar

Now that you mention it, it totally is! :D

Semi-trolling. I was expecting a flood of knee jerk backlash, but there are some really well thought out, rational replies among them and that's what I was looking for. I troll for the good of mankind, so please join in the discussion.

You're the third person who has mentioned the hetero male privilege thing. I totally agree it must be a factor. I wonder how big?

The old "must be gay" trick eh? Nope, it's not going to work here. Come back with a better argument and we can talk some more.

"They're not homoerotic or heteroerotic. They're just erotic pictures. If you're male, you might assume homoerotic feelings, if you're female, you might assume heteroerotic feelings. Why? Because it's a male nude. So for guys it's homoerotic and for girls it's not."

I expected as much Ryan. I've just got home and I've got 38 replies to read through. I'm replying to the positive ones first. Including yours that so far :D

Thank you! I was hoping someone would back me up on that. I only mentioned it because I knew it'd provoke a few libtards into replying, tellingng me I'm a bad person for getting weirded out by seeing two men kissing (I feel bad about it, I really do, but what can I do? I find it very interesting, trying to understand

Ok, I'll admit that when I said he "looks gay" I was semi-trolling (I hope you'll re-read my entire comment with that in mind. I took a tongue in cheek approach when typing it, I'm no dudebro) but I emailed this link to my closet gay friend and he said the shoot has a definite homoerotic feel to it. So I'm not budging

The hair + the pose + the pout + the leather straps + the exposed junk. Seems obviously homoerotic to me.

Not all pictures, THESE pictures. Why would you assume I think ALL pictures of naked guys are automatically gay? That's an ironically bigoted statement, given that you're accusing me of being a bigot.

I can deal with whiny :)

No. That would be impossible to judge. But now you mention it, some of them might have, yeah. And if I ever met them I wouldn't find them a very attractive person, no matter how many faps I'd fapped to her pictures

Regarding point #1: fair enough. Looks pretty homoerotic to me but maybe I'm wrong.

Fair enough :)