
In before the anti cod hipsters!!...

Say whatever you want about Google but Leave Dave Matthews out of this!!

First a root exploit is found and now this. Oh giggity giggity goo!

Think I'll get one for xmas now.

Im big on white on black. Will definately give the icons a go. Good Stuff!

4 map packs x $15 = $60

Whats wasted? The online play is fine, its only the stat tracking website that is on and off at the moment. I can care less about checking my stats every 5 minutes.

Yes it is, and whats so awful about paying an extra 40 bucks up front to get an $50-$60 of a years worth of DLC?

Wrong. It has been up, its just not stable. Sometimes you can get in, others you cant. Also there is a free and paid service, with the free service still getting all the stat tracking and what not.

If you die 3 or 4 times in a row your death perk activates. Revenge gives you the position of the enemy to last kill you.

You know your getting old when your reflexes slow down and you cant stab fast enough anymore :(

Sorry, guess that flew by right pass me as I dont watch that anymore after they tried to revive it. Next try it in picture format.

Funny all the hate it gets, even my BF3 part of my clan is trolling on our own boards about this game. Still every time I log in I have 20+ friends online playing that I have to fight off invites.

So of allllll the things wrong in the world this is the one thing that puts you over the edge??

Well that sucks.

So if one were to keep such stock and get fired could you still keep your stock? I mean whats to keep someone from flipping off Zynga and keeping their stock in hopes of a "Google Chef" accurence.

I use Android so I have to manually enter my levels into the app. But it sure is nice to have all my readings organized for when the Dr asks to see my levels. Too bad they're not what he wants to see lol

Really?? You know your going to sell 10 million copies in the first few days alone and you dont anticipate a server rush??

Looks the same, nothing to fight about here carry on...

Who let Khloe Kardashian in on the Cosplay??