
Hey nice to see my lockscreen mod to good use ;) lol

#1 Angry Birds :D

Screw the haters! Wifey has been warned to my absence in the following week and I got my Doritos, Mountain Dew ready!!

So how do I explain a pocket full of Dollar coins after the strip club to the wifey??

Ya the good thing is you can buy on the Amazon webpage but you dont have to install it. Then should a need ever arise you can install it since you already have it purchased.

At first I hated having to keep the Amazon App store installed but I got over it. I now find myself checking every morning for the app of the day. Have actually gotten a bunch of neat apps this way.

I love boot loops!! Nothing like your heart dropping to the bottom of your chest on a botched flash lol

Reminds me of my FFXI Ninja character I maxed out and blinged out a few years back. I could have sold it for bank but instead kept it and now my Ps2 sits inside a drawer broken and dusty. But at least my 75 Ninja with everything you could ask for sits there nicely (maxed at the time, pretty sure new stuff has been

I got those too but uninstalled the theme since it themed my apps as well therefore neglecting my transparency.

Yup Cm7 and im using ADWex and I do have a couple black n white themes along with a MIUI theme for my status bar that mesh pretty nicely. Installing the Jamt theme right now, thanks for that tip.

Great guide, I do this alot to my apps since a sucker for Transparent widgets. The background is the easiest thing to mod unless you run into .9 images, then you find yourself needing extra steps.

I'll just leave this right here...

Almost got this but Uncharted 3 and MW3 along Arkham City are enough to keep me busy for a while. Although the $20 amazon credit was very enticing...

Damn money is tight but I must get!! Guess I'll sell off Arkham City since I just beat that this weekend. Batman trophies can wait!

Unfortunately I'm not due for an upgrade til next year.I'll be looking to see which phones get a good ICS rom to see If I get an after market Evo 3D or Nexus S until my upgrade comes.

I dont make phone calls so im not worried about my brain, even though Im pretty sure all the Binge drinking in my younger years have already killed it enough. Im worried if my balls are safe since my phone is always in my pocket!!

"When your agreement to stream Starz content ends in March, you’ll lose your ability to show Disney movies like "Toy Story 3." You’ve played down the effect this will have on the service, but can you name a movie that my kids will enjoy as much?

I already have this feature, its called dropbox :D jk

I dont get all the Android is ugly hate? I seem to like it, I'd take Android's customization any day of week vs the over done bezeled rounded square icons.

I have 4 family members and number of friends with the Evo 4g still. Couple of these are rooted but most are still stock and since im the techie in the family I get all the questions so I can at least say from my personal group of Evos they all seem to work fine. Ive even gotten some family members to finally root and