
Better watch out for Sharktopus!!

@redman042: Im not falling for this one... :D

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Born and raised! McDonalds here in hispanic cities even has this on pump, its that popular.

Does my avatar count? LOL I could be considered by many but im not to the extreme as ppl cant get out there in the internet lol

Im a Tapatio guy! I put it on mostly everything!! Wifey refuses to carry a bottle in her purse though :(

Posted this on Giz the other day, been rocking on my wallpaper ever since! I would so buy a print.

Is she hot? If so... where the hell was she when I was 16!! Cougars ftw!! Rawr!!

@ey3poker: CM6 rom with default ADW launcher, just used custom shortcuts to creat new icons

@KegParty: Was about to charge after 16 hours of pretty heavy use.

Thanks for my Super Freaking Awesome Evo Wallpaper!!!

I mostly use Pandora and hardly load tracks onto my phone. I did however just add the new Linkin Park and Eminem cds so I have been playing with cube. Its a nice lil app that beats staring at the plain ole default music app.

Did Skynet legally change its name to Android?? lol

And the reason I moved out of Oregon is ever so clear now lol

"some HTC Evo owner finally got all the phone he paid for."

Pfft who needs a keyboard... lol NOT I!!

Was gonna ask about no strap but then I saw the video. Last thing I want is a Wii tv breaking expierence.