
This game has a single player??

So whats the website? I didnt quite catch that name. By the looks of it something to do with cougars... rawr!!

Damn I cant wait till August 6! Thats when I get my EVO 4G. It cant come soon enough!

$2.59!! Fill me up!! Stuck paying $3.14 here in LALA Land.

I just use my sony ps3 bluetooth headset. Works just as good as it does in mw2 minus the shouting kids in the back ground.

Screw that, the $97 price tag a bit steep for me. I'll just keep a handy dandy charger at work. Might get a car charger for weekends though.

Looks like fun, where do I sign up?

Amazon still doesnt have Collectors Edition up for Sale yet. Ill have to keep a lookout for it.

I dont even have an Android yet and I want one.

How bout the one where you slap your team mates?

@digisplicer: Like the slowmo clapping gifs lol ya i like those lol

Picked up Dead space 1 for 10 bucks a few backs. Now just need to find the time to play and beat it before 2 comes out.

I was up in the air over going to Sprint or Upgrading to a smart phone on vzw. Looks like Ill be going to Sprint, ill save money on fees and get more data.

@Bizdady: oh you can get some for your car!! Sold!! I can finally silence the 2yr old in the backseat with some curious george while on the road.

Evo 4g already has a built in kickstand. Its like having a little bicycle again :)

@GamerKT: Bitch! Also tossed my Dreamcast and Paintball gun... oh im getting angry just thinking about it now lol

Gimme a ZOE HD Collection in the mean time. The ex tossed my old copies while back ago and I really want to get them again.

see what happens when you go M$

I was waiting to see how this phone turned out before upgrading my current dying phone. Looks like I might be going to Sprint as soon as they can get more Evo 4Gs in stock.

Smart business there, why are artists still handing over their money to these bums?