@fernandosolano: I got it as well but they actually removed it from your download list.
@fernandosolano: I got it as well but they actually removed it from your download list.
Where do I sign up?? :D
Pfft those are easy. All you gotta do is camp.
Nerfed shotties ftw!! Im so tired of getting headshotted from a mile away with said guns.
I was really Addicted to FFXI... Do I really want to go down that path again??...
I knew I should have studied Japanese in school!! I can always import and run around blind lol
@Kage56: Well it is only On Playstation in Japan.
I can see a Mother of the year award for her in the future...
Wonder if we actually need a Lan Cable or if we would just be able to transfer via wifi as well?
Thank you Japan for Beta Testing this one and making sure we get the improved version :D For once Im actually glad JP got a title first :D Day 1 purchase here.
I still have yet to see this glitch and I play 2-3 hours each night on PSN. Maybe its cause you have to be lvl 50 so its not like regular folks wanna become n00b glitchers just to ruin their rank. It also helps that I mostly play with clan and friends so it reduces encounters with jackasses.
The ECA Discount saved me well over a hundred bucks on games so it was a pretty good deal for me. It saved me $15 alone on MW2 PE. Too bad that promo is gone, my account isnt set to renew for a while but I will have to make a note to send out a certified letter with a return envlope to make sure It gets cancelled.…
Ive done 5+ hours mw2 sessions on my Panny plasma and sure If i put on an all white screen ill see some Image Retention but itll go away in about 5 minutes of normal viewing. Love my Plasma, wouldnt trade it for an LCD for anything.
@EDGE: Right! Would they rather have us out at a bar at midnight or a midnight mw2 scrimmage??
I got lost somewhere in there...
@FunkyMunxy: 10 stars to go here. Just got done killing 15 Juggernauts. #kotakugameclub
@CatsAkimbo: Everytime I log in I either get an invite right away to get on mp or spec ops. Spec Ops can take awhile too, sucks when you spend 15 minutes on a mission just to die right at the end! grrr #kotakugameclub
Sorry Guys im behind on my lvls :( Ive been to addicted to Mp play and Spec Ops online play with my brother trying to get 69 damn stars for the trophies but they get ridiculous hard!! #kotakugameclub
Look gamestop you better stop your crap. I dont want to resort to having to wait till Wednesdays again like when publishers actually shipped games to retailers on release date. #gamestop