
Look in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Captain Cultural Relativism, flying in to save the day! With his/her golden shield, he/she shall step in and deflect all criticism leveled at another culture from the Evil Cult of Cultural Imperialists who wish to see the world homogenized into a single moral or

Well...duh? Because the work/effort put in vs the money that comes out is so shockingly disproportionate that of course there's no wonder none of us want to work hard.

Look at the people who make all the money? Day traders and stock brokers. People's who's job boils down to "Okay, buy a bunch of that stock.

'Gentile'? That sounds...condescending.
"don't be too hard on him, Martha, he's just a Gentile"
"oohhh, on of those people...I'm so sorry, my dear I didn't know."
"It's okay, we just don't talk about it much."

Tila Flame is beautiful. I just recently discovered Havana Ginger, that woman is gorgeous <3

As a white male who finds black women incredibly sexy I would love to see more of that. Hell, even for how tame and intimate that picture up top is I find it incredibly sexy.

Definitely. I know a woman who's got more muscles in her back and arms and can scale a climbing wall and has more upper body strength than most of my friends. She's a beast and she's awesome :D

Oh, 100% agree, he really could improve on the way he represents females in the show. I just always get annoyed at how any statement like "men are statistically stronger than women" seems to light a brush fire. :(

If you have 1,000 men, and 1,000 women lift weights that incrementally get heavier, and you find that more men are able to lift heavier weights than women, you would not be remiss to say that based on these observations, women appear to be physically weaker than men.

Listen, no offense intended (okay maybe a little bit) but let's be honest here, all you guys talking about how you "totally won't be buying the next Xbox" are full of it.

We've seen the convictions of the Protesting Gamer with the Call of Duty dedicated server protests on Steam. We all know exactly how this is going

I'm assuming this desire to have children is also tied to the desire to raise them? I would assume so, but I could be wrong.

These republicans have had decades to reach this conclusion and they only did as soon as they were staring defeat in the face.

Hmmm an incredibly racist, classist, slave-owning group of religious fanatics, or a revenge driven, hate-filled group of women and children killing nut jobs.

Can I pick a side that isn't populated by irredeemable assholes?

What is he using to make this game? Those graphics look decent enough for the kind of game it is I'm just curious about the engine and all the under-workings.

Yep. They can do that, or Unionize which will get crushed by the big suits so fast they wouldn't even see it coming.

I see a lot of emphasis placed on Networking as opposed to the work and effort you've put forth already (degrees, grades, projects, etc etc) I was always told hard work and effort is all you need, and now going forth into the world trying to get a job I'm finding that my total and absolute lack of any "network" to

She's half right. Even though she's speaking to women, her advice about finding a good person in college is much easier than out of college is incredibly spot on. Let me break things down a bit between life in college and life outside of college:

I have a Love-Hate relationship with GDC. Okay, I'll be honest, it's more of a Slightly Hate-Hate relationship.

One one hand, it's cool to hear a lot of Game Developers talk openly to people about what they do what direction they want to go and sort of openly criticize the problems with the industry.

On the other

This inforgraph and the one from Mass Effect are really cool. They make me appreciate the games more and the varied way people play them. Like maybe I'm missing something by not playing Vanguard instead of Soldier, or how can 64% of Mass Effect players play the game so fucking wrong that they don't see Wrex in Me3?