double post. please disregard.
double post. please disregard.
I saw that RetroN-3 and got all excited for a second. Anybody hear and news on the RetroN-5? I want that puppy so bad.
I'm glad I'm not alone. It's just something about the soft quality of both styles that really helps one evoke the other.
I wanted to find a gif of it, but I couldn't. The self-assured nod he does as he states it so matter-of-fact makes me crack up every time.
Chlamydia affects 100% of Jan Coopers.
"R to the O to the Double N. Yo, Swanson's got swagger the size of Big Ben . . . clock."
Ann would be bombing out on easy, because she is beautiful but terrible at everything.
I'm just imagining him saying it in my head, and it's making me so happy.
Rock Band is LITERALLY the most fun that you can have with a video game in a casual social setting.
Par for the course on 90s translation work.
Can't say that I have played it. Looks like something I'd like though. I'll look into getting the Working Designs translated version for my TurboDuo.
It's definitely a game that matures and reveals new themes and ideas to you the more you think about it. That's definitely one of the reasons why its fandom endures today. I have too many youthful emotional attachments to Chrono Trigger to quite let it be unseated by Xenogears, but as a whole they are two of my faves…
Haha. I never once said that this game had no flaws. I just said that the opening hour was lovely, and that Citan was a great character. The second disk is a legendary slog, and I'm actually not a big fan of the gear combat sequences in general. It's still a lovely game though, with alot of heart.
It's always a tough balancing act when portable vs console versions of games are concerned.
I can dig that. My answer still stands though. I simply don't like the combat as much in the other versions, and a dungeon crawler wherein I don't enjoy the combat is no good to me at all. That's like telling a person who refuses to eat beef that your bacon cheeseburger is better than his chicken sandwich because…
I do. I'll alwasy choose P3P over FES, and I own both. I know that FES has alot more content, but I'm willing to sacrifice that for the Persona 4 style full party battle control in P3P. I get way too frustrated with the AI otherwise. I'll take a shorter game that I enjoy playing more over a longer game that vexes me…
As it is for many, I'm sure.
I can understand that mentality. I find flawed characters more endearing too. Hell, I find flawed games more endearing. That's why I love Nier so much. I won't try to defend the absurdity of Citan's all encompassing expertise. But when I was 16, he gave me someone to aspire to be amongst all of the hot-heads and…