Bit Brush Studios

I just sort of use "GoTY" as a catch-all term for "complete" editions of games. I don't think it's too late though. Most companies just require that a game has been named GoTY by some critical outlet at some point in time to get that moniker. I know Oblivion and Morrowind both released their GoTY editions outside of

I'm in the same boat for now, but it'll probably come to PS3 once whatever timed deals that are acting behind the scenes expire. Castle Crashers did, along with other XBLA "exclusives" like Limbo, and eventually Fez. Patience will pay off.

That's a sound guess. I'll make sure to leave this conversation open on my computer where my wife can easily stumble upon it.

Well I didn't "hold out" per se. I bought Skyrim launch day and played it until I was satisfied. I just bought it on console, so I was able to sell my copy for a good amount while the price was still good, then I put that $30 in a envelope in my nightstand marked "Skyrim GoTY." Now I'm all set to dive back in with a

Music to my ears. This is the news that I've been waiting to hear. Now I can start squirreling money away for my precious GoTY edition.

Well thanks you! Keep up the good work.

So happy to see Pier Solar on here. When I read the headline of the article, the first thought to pop into my head is was "I can't wait to remind people about Pier Solar in my comment." I should've known that you wouldn't let me down Jason.

Yeah, I had read that about Heart of the Alien. At least Fade to Black is actually the same guys behind Another World and Flashback though. Truth be told, I never got into any of the above games. They always frustrated me a a kid . . . and I never had the urge to pick them up as an adult.

I've never really heard anyone say anything positive about it. Most writeups I encounter are pretty harsh on the stiff, unwieldy controls. When you consider the fluidity of motion that made Flashback such a joy to play, such a faux pas is kinda inexcusable. What I'm mainly joking about though, isn't the quality of

Well there probably isn't a remake of Fade to Black in the works. I was being sarcastic. But it's totally cool that they're revamping Flashback.

The only thing that gets me more excited about a remake of Flashback, which I never understood as a kid, is the far-future (non) possibility of a Fade to Black remake continuing the series' legacy and clogging the bargain bins of tomorrow. HD Lizard men made of loosely connected shoe boxes are a menacing prospect.

Is that the Battle of the Planets version?

So happy to see the "Almost Got 'im" episode of Batman TAS on there. That episode, and the one entitled "The Forgotten," really influenced my taste and approach to storytelling as a kid.

Right in the childhood.

This reminds me alot of a majority of the vignettes in the anime adaptation of Colorful. I'm not sure if those pieces where rotoscoped or not, but I watched them alot in high school, and the style always struck me as atypical for anime.

Once again it's that time of the week where I try to squeeze Wild Arms into whatever conversation is being had. You guys have been handing them to me recently. :)

That's what I heard about Drakengard 2 as well. I heard it was an odd trade-off. While the first one had muddled, tedious gameplay, but incredible narrative, the second one flipped things and improved the actuall game systems alot, but really dialed things back in terms of story quality. It's a shame really. I'm

Fair enough. I've heard that Drakengard gets intense. I've never actually played the those games myself though. I was too young to appreciate them when they came out, and just dismissed them as muddy Dynasty Warriors clones. Now that I know their reputation though, and have developed into a big Cavia fan, I'm

There is only one Nier game in the West. It's just cross-platform.

Most definitely. The game really shines once you get to see those cutscenes where you can understand the bosses. But as a whole, there's so much to love in Nier. There's so many meta elements in the design of the game that are simply fantastic. The mini-stories behind many of the side-quests are just so tragic and