
My experience with my second was exactly the same. She was breech, my first labour had been precipitous and that freaked me out. I didn't want to be birthing a breech baby at home alone with my 2 year old. So I chose the c-section. The anticipation was wonderful - like all the Christmas Eve's in existence rolled up

Especially when excess wax causes your ear to itch.

Rebuttal: Q-Tips feel amazing.

I miss Dodai :(

i got the joke, but also the instant i read it, i was like

I got this little series with my SLR in Saitama just outside of Tokyo

I have a hard time appreciating anything Lena Dunham does because she's just patently unlikeable. It has nothing to do with gender, as some might quickly want to point out. There are plenty of men and women that I find unlikeable. I find Lena Dunham unlikeable for what she represents: a daughter of wealth and

Why can't we just dislike Lena because we think her stuff is boring and worthless and overrated? It doesn't have to be because she's a woman. I hate men who write the same sort of stuff that she does. Quit making it about her gender and more about the fact that a lot of people don't like her stuff because it is not

Dunham is just "there" to me. I don't like nor dislike her. I honestly don't know enough about her or care enough to form an opinion. The only reason I am leaving a comment is this: I'm not sure how old Lena is, but when I think of memoirs, I think of older people who have forged their way through life imparting their

spoiler alter… What kind of girl is this? Its a whiney, entitled, out of touch douche. That's what kind of girl it is.

Well, our first clue is that this is NOT a BMW, since it's only taking up one space...

At least they can be thankful she didn't meow at them.

I have 4 kids and ergo am an expert on every damn thing. So here's what you do:

SAY NO. Say it all the time Say it a lot. Nooooooooooo.

Now that I see it, I can't unsee it.

Do you wanna take this summons?

Hear me out. I've read the book and as her sister lay sick in a hospital bed in Peru, the summer heat boiling outside, she took her hand and asked 'Do you want to build a snowman?'


Not to be gross, but on the occasions where I find myself having a less-than-desirable poo or am feeling constipated, I lean back and raise my knees into my chest and it totally helps, so this isn't surprising. I guess getting a Squatty Potty would be easier but this doubles as my core workout.