Not to mention less content on the Xbox One than the PS4, paying the same price for less content etcetera etcetera.
Not to mention less content on the Xbox One than the PS4, paying the same price for less content etcetera etcetera.
Got the links? That'd be sweet.
Yeah I don't get why this kid keeps calling them "M$" like, I don't get it? Is that supposed to be some unfunny joke? Like Microsoft have a lot of money because, I don't know, they're a fucking business like Sony?
Oh really? When did this happen? Proof, now.
Why do you keep calling them M$?
Why are you so bitter towards the Xbox One?
You realise how fucking twisted you truly are, right?
"Microsoft: "you may only sell your game on our service or we won't help you and treat you like a second-class dev". Sony: "You may sell on any system but we'll put effort into getting you more sales on our platform, which works out best for the both of us".
That's. . .absolutely fine by me. I'm shit at fighting games.
I think he's just hopping on the "Xbox One sucks for no apparent reason" bandwagon.
That's lovely!
Yeah we need some of that here too!
Is that somewhat similar to Infinity Blade? Been looking for a game like it on my Android and I miss IB. :(
This COULD get me back into the game again!
Dude, Nuts & Bolts was amazing I don't know what you're on about.
Ah but what's the resolution going to be?
"This video is not available in your country"
This would be lovely if Destiny wouldn't keep giving me the stupid "bee" error code every time I play a Crucible match. Either I join halfway and complete it or start at the beginning and get removed because of the error. Everything else is fine and my connection is good but it's only on Crucible games that this…
Was about to post the same thing!