
The 2000 cars came with body color mirrors (I had one). For 2002, they changed the badge and the mirrors went aluminum, IIRC. The plasti-dip likely means broken mirror caps and replacements that came off of a different car.

And, keep in mind, Happy Days itself was a spin-off.

Also they tended to rust with great enthusiasm.  A pity, as the AWD worked pretty OK for the 1990's.

I grew up there.  When these cars came out in 1989/1990 they were EVERYWHERE.  My family has owned no fewer than 5 since 1989.

Give it time.

A rebuilt title is issued once a car is totaled and reassembled. Now, will this Ferrari end up at the local U-Pull-It yard?  Nope.

My favorite traffic light fact: In South Africa, they are called “robots.

That’s great, too. I hate to see empty racetracks.  I drive by the Speedway frequently (on my way to the roadcourse near there) and would love to see it in action!

I think the overall shift from mile and a half ovals in the middle of corn fields to places like downtown Chicago has helped, too. Was the Chicago track a great track? Um... no. Was the race fun? Yes.  A spectacle was delivered.

Wow. The 23hp engine in my mower would offer an upgrade, and likely better reliability.  So tempting...  It is quite cute.

Nice one!  It was actually heavier, and therefore slower, than the Beetle on which it was based. However, my parents had two and I’ve owned one Beetle or another continuously since 1987... so there’s something cool there.

Or, in my neck of the woods, all the freakin’ cashiers are under 21 anyway.  So, it matters not which type of lane you’re in, you’re screwed and the people behind you wait...

Yes, the planet was name checked in the Clone Wars. But, it’s name was used in EU novels before that. Coruscant was first named by Timothy Zahn if I recall correctly, before showing up on screen in The Phantom Menace, as you mentioned. I’m saying this is what’s cool. The species, places, that was used across media

I agree.  One thing I’ve really liked about the rebooted continuity is, for the most part, the names of species, planets, languages were all ported over. Twi’leks are still Twi’leks from Ryloth, with lekku and so forth. The world building was still baked in.

Yes.  These cars don’t tend to rust there, and only there.  The underside is actually pretty clean.  Something scratched the paint deeply and was either poorly or never repaired.

Ok, responding to the majority... TPC does not make a turbo setup. They’ve been in business for 20+ years. They simply do not want to hassle with CARB certification.

I’ve also seen them add in “estimated fuel savings” to the sticker price.  Huh, what?

Plus, they are not ubiquitous in the midwest.  You have to look long and hard to find chargers here, unlike in CA.

Yes, THANK YOU.  It doesn’t reduce the sticker.  Jeez.

This is a tax credit.