
It was on the car when it was first shown late in 2015, and was already past its sell-by date when the cars actually hit the showrooms.

My ‘89 CRX had directional wheels like this. Twice, when buying tires, I told the shop in advance that there were two pairs of wheels on the car, and spokes should all point forward.

Well, to be fair, there are some regular maintenance items you don’t have to do in modern cars.  Adjust the valves every 3,000 miles.  Adjust the distributor/points/timing regularly.  But, for the most part, it’s not difficult.

It does in Texas.

I think this is heavily location dependent.  $50K in NYC or San Francisco qualifies as “almost homeless” vs. $50K in Omaha.

The physics involved to get something to fly that far with such a limited run up is unreal.  Then, they get it to stop in something like 125 feet.  The engineering is truly amazing, even if it looks sketchy as hell up close sometimes.

Hell, the first Porsches were closer to sexy Beetles than anyone cares to admit.

It looks like the car’s own fenders are taller than the driver’s head...

My last new car buying experience was with Ford. In and out of the dealership in under 45 minutes. Almost everything was handled by phone/email prior to me getting there.

Oh, it is.  It is.

Oh, it is.  It is.

In my opinion the flavor of Jack and the flavor of a corn-based bourbon are pretty far apart. A nice bourbon is sweeter than the mash bill of the Tennessee Whiskey, and better suited to a Mint Julep.

In my opinion the flavor of Jack and the flavor of a corn-based bourbon are pretty far apart. A nice bourbon is

So... $20K for less than 100 miles of range...

damn it! I totally shoulda got tickets to the F1 GP of China being held at Barber Motorsports Park. Alabama is MUCH closer to me than Shanghai!

Depends on your goals. Track day or grand touring?  I’ll take the one with the 500hp and the manual.

I did some napkin math... 6.3 billion cans at, let’s just guess a minimum of $2 a can is $12.6 Billion in revenue.

Well, to be fair, the article sort of neglected to mention propulsion.  Some sort of engines will still be required.

Indeed.  Despite Ross Brawn, the acres of white space on the sidepods (later, with some Virgin sponsorship) indicated the team, while inheriting a decent car, was a pretty much bootstrap effort.

It’s a perfectly crommulent word.

I’ve been over 160mph in German cars that were made for it (BMW M5, Audi S4, Porsche Cayman). I’d be VERY worried about the aerodynamic forces in a Neon at those speeds.

They are designed for different purposes, therefore “quality” is measured in different ways. A subway car with the interior of a Tesla wouldn’t last a week. Also, taking power from the grid is a MUCH better solution for a mass transit application (i.e., a fixed route) that mucking about with batteries.