Legend has it a race shop may have built a car from stuff “just lying around” the shop. You know, after you came back from LeMans. Just like all of the rest of us...
Legend has it a race shop may have built a car from stuff “just lying around” the shop. You know, after you came back from LeMans. Just like all of the rest of us...
I like your style, Stef.
But, if you dial in the electrical power so as to run about 3 hours in a stint, and swap power packs 3x a day, you could conceivably do well.
They’ve bought/claimed 3 cars in 10 years and no longer crush them...
I couldn’t agree more!
Oh, I’m sure he doesn’t like air cooled cars. (*ducks*)
My guess is the vent has to disrupt the airflow a bit to actually get air in to them (and that’s where the intercoolers sit).
I feel for you, Autojim.
Well, it says “could have an electric drive system.” Which implies to me it includes hybrids (including 911s) and eventually Cayman/Boxsters once they flip the transmission and engine around the right way.
Oregon or New Jersey?
Yeah, I know. You have to take a deep breath before committing to it.
Well, in my experience, most of these idiot dolls are crying up against mid-80's pastel hot rods (think if ZZ Top’s Eliminator coupe had guest starred on an episode of Miami Vice where Crockett & Tubs had to take down a ring of cocaine smugglers played by Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill). Those dolls are usually placed…
For the car, Matt, for the car. The car deserves all the digital ink.
I prefer a proprietary 78% Nitrogen/20% Oxygen/1% “other stuff” mixture, myself.
Anything you post on social media is not private, the user made it publicly available. And, as a Social Media Editor, yes, your public social media history should be reviewed.
This is great story, and gives guys named Phil a great reputation.
The corollary to “minty” is “lemony.” Making a car look extra-decrepit so as it may pass the “$500" BS inspection for racing in the 24 of Lemons.
No worries, I can see how your initial take could have been easy to make when I said “following the rules,” which theoretically, should include speed limits.
I was trying to be nice.
Quite the contrary. I’m the one already going 85-90 mph on a clear rural interstate, in the right lane whenever I’m not passing someone. That’s my usual cruising speed if practical (a couple of my cars are turbocharged, and mileage REALLY drops off if I go much faster).