
The wife is restoring two of them right now. Remember, kids, always paint your die-cast the same time you paint your car!

We're in the process of restoring two E9s right now. ('Cause we're gluttons for punishment is why). But, we bought solid cars cheaply, so we're taking them down to the bare metal.

Cadillac Shark-Jumper?

I just spun two odometers last week. I popped 100K in my 2008 Volvo C30 and 200K in my 1987 BMW 325is. Both times, I did it at 100mph. Both cars still run today. Amazing.


Not arguing. I have both an FD and an NA Miata. The wife has an NA Miata. We own our pop-ups. I love the FD RX-7, myself. But, I wouldn't expect retracts on a new RX-7.

Sorry, I don't agree. Leave the 80's in the 80's.

T-Tops? Should we put pop up lights on it, too?

But if they are squawking on the proper transponder frequency, they might not get a second look, which is what happened on 09/11. By the time people realized the planes were not where they were supposed to have been, it was too late.

And, hopefully, loaded with Kristen Bell (aka: Mrs. Shephard)

Because "Jeff" means "Child Molester" in Beloslavokiastan. Best to avoid names that don't work in all 189 1/2 languages used in 'Yurp.

Until, that is, you need to work on one of those engines buried within the wings...

I'm sure the its wasn't intended to be a punishment as much as to keep CAFE standards up. But, yes, it is a punishment if you choose to not shift it yourself.

OK, when you look at both the 6th gear ratios and the rear ends, the auto is certainly geared for mileage. I'm guess since GM sells more V6 autos than any other combo, they are going to try to offset all of the Jalops who pay for the two extra cylinders.

Keep in mind, you need to compare the ratios in the gearbox as well as the rear end. Who has the 5th/6th gear ratios for the manual and auto boxes?

Drones and unmanned spammers are the future of internet clickbait!

I have no idea. All I know is that I expect Crockett and Tubbs to roll up in something like that in a Miami Vice rerun.

There was also a Sebring Kit car made by Sterling.

Could it be that the FR-S/BRZ feels like it can handle far more power than it has, while you probably wouldn't be happier in a Fiesta ST with any more power? That is, more power is usable in the FR-S/BRZ and wouldn't be in this car?

On next week's episode of Ice Road Truckers...