
OK, I'll accept that.

Should there be something about a robotic car not operating itself if it is not in a good state of repair. I'm thinking tire pressures/treadwear, unsafe weather conditions or those things? People drive unsafe cars in unsafe conditions all the time. Should a self-monitoring car be allowed to do so?

While you can't think of a particular situation right now, given millions of cars driven millions of miles, something along these lines will eventually occur.

A very visual COTD!

My point exactly.

People, people. It does not matter how they look. It matters that they are seen. Safety trumps style in this case.

VAG and Porsche have always been close, even if related only by the Porsche/Piech family at times. So, perhaps they were more "actual" cousins than corporate cousins.

Yes, he really catapulted the dog out of there.

Well, with out the intervention, it may have been cat-a-strophic.

So, long story short. The car's body was found rotting in a field. We have no idea how the car got from pre-war Germany to the US Midwest. We assume it involves a serviceman after the war. We figure that most of these cars were likely melted down and dropped on England during WWII.

We hill-climbed our 1934 Borgward Hansa 1100! Is that close enough?

We hill-climbed our 1934 Borgward Hansa 1100! Is that close enough?

I'd love to know how many Borgward Hansa 1100s there are in the US... This one has been hotrodded. I know of one at the Lane Auto Museum. The other one is in my garage. Are there others out there?

Am I the only one who thinks an archaeological dig containing a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" artifact is somewhat ironic?

Yes, but it was "just another superw eapon." I love it how, in one book (I can't remember whichone ) even Han Solo complains of too many super weapons lying around and refers to one as "Palpatine's Nostril..." When they even make fun of it in universe, you have really played out the concept.

When US states without mandatory front license plates mandate them... then you know this is happening.

I believe the Infiniti system is Lidar. At least as it sets off my Valentine 1 constantly when someone is behind me with it on. If that's the case (and we're in city driving) I usually just vary my speed up and down so much that the person behind me shuts off their cruise control.

Interesting, the wife and I have owned/worked on more Miatas than I can count. I've never seen that steering wheel. Doesn't look like a USDM airbag wheel. Which country are you in? I wonder if they cut costs in markets that didn't need to meet US passive restraint laws?

No, this is better. At least in IL, they are going highway speeds. Also, if they are going highway speeds, they likely merged successfully. Here in MN, there is a passive/aggressive thing. I was too passive to merge, so when I do get in it's SCREW EVERYONE I'M NOT LETTING ANYONE ELSE IN FRONT OF ME!!! I'll take

I'm willing to bet, even with this ginormous price tag, Porsche is still losing money on each one. This car doesn't fund Porsche's R&D team, the R&D funds it.