
Only NASA's highest level HDPE events allow no point-bys and/or passing the corners. Their other run groups require point bys. Most events I've been to, with numerous organizations, ALL required "contract passing" to avoid nasty sheet metal entanglements.

This Bertone coachbuilt 911 could be on this list as well. Not that I don't think the 911 is tasty, it is. But, this wasn't bad at all.

The rear profile is interesting, I don't mind it. The giant NACA duct shaped backlight opening is interesting to me.

At the time, I thought the Pinninfarina designed Ferrari Mythos from the 90's looked better than the Testarossa donor... With a few headlight and wheel changes, one could argue it has aged better.

Tasty, and full of vitamins G, T and O.

Maybe it is a taste thing, and I'm also working off a sample size of one.

OK, I missed the Simpsons reference (and I'm normally pretty good there)... You win. I'm also secretly relieved you don't have a crush on Sandra Bernhardt.

"The new Boxster makes everything old new again, wocka wocka!"

I have a friend who picked up a high-mileage 2001 Boxster S. All the things you say about the poor quality interior are true. Maintenance will not be cheap, even if you spin the wrenches. Engine access is easier on an M1 tank.


I used to have a beat to crap Miata. If I found someone deliberately taking two spaces, I'd see if I could fit my Miata entirely in the remnant of one of the fractional spaces. This usually entailed me parking within an inch of the other car, on purpose. Then, you climb out by going through the open roof, closing

Scraping on the inside is acceptable if you're in any air-cooled VW...

In our household there are currently 5 manual trans cars that all have cruise control. Not that we regularly use it, nor would we pay extra for it. Ages range from 1987 model year to 2008. It is not rare, nor has it been a rarity in a manual car since, say, 1995. In the US, at least, I believe it is more rare to

I love watching people in winter (I'm in Minnesota) who never cycle in outside air. They then are driving with enough condensation on their interior glass to make it appear as if they are driving in an aquarium. It's like "Cars" met "Finding Nemo."

Personally, I didn't find it all that hare-raising.

Yes, the 70s, when Burt Reynolds was still Burt Reynolds. Start handing out the mustaches now!

Am I the only person out there who would like to take this concept, section a 1-foot chunk out of the body all around the waistline (about from the door handles down 1 foot, all the way around) and then lower the suspension, put on normal sized wheels and make a great looking coupe?

"Smoking the Bandit" sounds like a porn parody of "Smoky and the Bandit." Someone needs to get on that!

They broke my watch!

Even in the film they say "It's that shitbox Dodge, again!" Just saying...