
LOL no!

"Why don't the ladies just take their 77 cents on the dollar wages and the zero connections and support in Hollywood and found their own multi-million dollar production studios??"

Jesus, why are you attacking Dan? He's on your side.

I know he's the patron saint of Euro horror, but I never got the appeal. This is the only Argento movie I don't hate, mostly because she's the protagonist, and the metal soundtrack is so awesomely dumb.

I had a sparrow fly into my bedroom once, imagine trying to catch one of those tiny assholes. It just wouldn't sit still, not even for a few seconds. I had to run around my apartment for an hour before I could trap it under a blanket and then I just threw the whole blanket out the window because I was done with that

Sigh. I know that look. I should really call my mother more often.

If only for the reason that he would drive poor, perpetually exasperated Snape to self-defenstration after exchanging half a sentence with Kanye. HASN'T SNAPE SUFFERED ENOUGH??

Jesus, that first scene literally has the aesthetics and production value of a cheap porn.

I'm putting my fist through a wall, Stabler-style.
Ah who am I kidding, I'm Munch.

Tuutikki is the only one who got the joke.

Why aren't human babies fluffier? Seems like a massive evolutionary oversight.

Yeah I don't know. I've seen a lot of these articles about celebrating moms on father's day lately, and it always reminds me of those people who derail discussions about misogyny with "MEN GET RAPED TOO!" BS. Why are we doing this? It's father's day, some people have awesome dads and want to celebrate them. I can't

Maybe the comment you are trying to dismiss is not a direct reply to one of your comments? You cannot dismiss comments that are replies to someone else, even when they are in a thread you started.

That goat gives amazing bitch face

You've just described my retirement plan. These goddamn kids with their hippetyhop and their Lady Gagme wouldn't know good music if Jhonn Balance himself shat in their faces. Harrumph.

Say what you will about Farrah, but at least she knows better than to chew gum during an interview like a fucking idiot.

You need to remember: Daya is a fucking idiot.

Hardened cynical asshole Piper is delightful, and I hated her last season. But I never felt the urge to fast forward her scenes this season.

Hey, R.Kelly just pees on underaged girls. Drea is a divorcee!! How am I supposed to explain that to my children!!