
Oh please. Don't try to spin your "What about the poor slutshamed mens??" comment into a feminist pro-choice statement.

That's so Spencer.

I'm sure the feminist ladies who run io9 are thrilled to hear that a creep like you appreciates their work.

Yeah I don't understand why those sites don't trust us to find our friends without their help. I know who I like, thank you very much.

Me too. I even changed my email adress, because even though I disabled the "import gmail contacts" function on twitter, I keep seeing people pop up in my "suggestions" sidebar that shouldn't be there.
Like that guy who sold me a camera on ebay 2 years ago. I wrote that guy one email, 2 years ago, and then deleted that

No ads for women's shelters and doctors who don't ask questions in your area?

How bout a "So you've just procreated, have you considered cheating on your partner yet?" button.

I always wonder about those people who travel to foreign countries and then only eat at the local McDonalds and hang out with other foreigners. Just stay at home, guys.


Yaten 4evs.

Aww the shorts are so cute. There's one that introduces Haruka and Michiru, and it's all about them making googly eyes at each other (and some monster fighting.)

Oh it's that guy? Remember how people were trying to paint Will Smith as homophobic because he didn't like getting kissed by that asshole?

Yeah it could be the gay "Ice Loves Coco"! I'd watch that.

What next, TV shows about animals?? WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE.

I hope Gawker contributor Dog writes an open letter in response to Jezebel's deplorable, irresponsible dog-whistle politics.

Just hook it to my veins.

Thank you! Literally every country with a predominantly muslim population has a different interpretations of what constitutes "appropriate" clothing. People would be surprised if they knew how many muslims think that burqas are terrible.

Honestly, I think not being an asshole is the only requirement. I used to live in Austria for a while, and I remember back when Conchita Wurst tried out for the Songcontest for the first time a couple of years ago, people were pretty shitty about her whole drag queen shtick. So the bar is very low.
(In the end, she

I believe you can book them for parties and events if you live in or close to Austria. But their prices have probably gone up now that they're an international LGBT power couple...

Yep she's actually married to a guy who does male burlesque.