
Aww man. That's adorable. Our bunny often had seizures, and every single time, seconds before they started, it would run up to one of us and thump its legs on the floor like crazy. The vet told us that it probably felt the seizures coming, mistook the feeling of unease for an approaching predator and tried to warn us.

Sadly, they are very prone to getting tumors and glaucoma and other weird diseases due to all the cross- and inbreeding. My pet bunny died of epilepsy. But it was a total charmer, we let it run around the house freely like a cat and we never had to potty train it. But yeah, all our cables had to be replaced.

Et tu, Stan?

Totally. I'm so glad I'm old enough to be friends with my mother because she's a great person, she was just not cut out to be a mythical fairy tale mommy who magically forgets all her worries when she looks upon her baby's smiling face, and for a while there, I was kind of holding it against her. But she had so much

If by "primitive" PetyrBaelish meant something that any stray cat can do in an alley, then yes. It's quite primitive, and you having feefees about your babby doesn't make the process special or meaningful. Jesus, lady.

I'm sorry, really. That's obviously a terrible thing to say to children, or even adults.
Our mother did frequently complain about being exhausted and stressed, but she never blamed us or acted like we forced her to be a mother, because she knew she had made choices in her life that she had to own. Still, it was

I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder!

You know, after reading these "whisper" things, I'm almost grateful that my mother never made a secret out of how overwhelming and stressful raising 2 kids on her own was. I don't think she'd write or say anything as harsh as "My kids ruined my body/life/happiness", but she also didn't pretend to be a neverending

Yeah but even at that age my mother would let me run around outside without observing my every move. She also let me walk to elementary school on my own, because it was just a 15 minute walk, she had an early commute to work and it didn't make sense to wake me up at 6am and drop me off at school an hour before class

I'm a country kid too and me and my sister would come home from school, do your homework and then dick around outside until sunset almost every day without supervision, before we got a TV (and even then).
Then again, we lived in a neighborhood (and a country) where people generally don't have firearms or huge fences

Hey me too!


"Confirmed divorcé"
"Confirmed ex-husband"
"Confirmed conscious uncoupler"

Don't love shitty people.


Keep digging, Sorkin.

Jonathan Brandis... that one was really sad. He has such pretty blue eyes. I really loved him in SeaQuest and Neverending Story :(

How does Josh Charles smell?
Follow-up question: How does Paul Giamatti smell?