
1 billion haploid cells enter....1 diploid cell leaves.

Hilarious and frightening. They (the various FOPs) keep saying things like “These officers performed their jobs professionally and conducted themselves within the law with good intent”, etc.. and I just keep thinking “Oh, so we’re just supposed to take your word for it? How’s that working out for you guys?” and also

amp0730 you went on a full mental breakdown.....of the show I mean :). I’m right there with you. It wasn’t the best episode, but it was also the best episode. Really unnerving at times, and for once Fusco ended up not having anything witty to say while getting his ass handed to him. Oh wait he did, but then he kinda

As sicko as the opening “manners in my house” brothers “sharing” sequence was, I thought it brought the show’s feminism straight out into practical realism with Sarah(as Beth)‘s followup interview with the woman. Granted Sarah was after information on the Castor boys, but the woman’s reporting of her trauma and Art’s

It’s almost like .... his agent or someone is saying: “Yeah, no more sci-fi know how those go”, when it was Independence Day that .... well you know. I don’t understand.

root in a wedding dress. I thought we were in my fantasy for a moment, I must admit! Acker kicks it in the .... well I’ll let OzzieMan explain


Great idea for some webisodes. 8 to 10 minutes hours of nothing but Root that contains a quick round up of her side gig of the week.

I don't think you're stupid, just asking an odd question that I do not understand.

Yeah, but what's the point of this show?

Thanks KellyOO. I briefly looked for the relevant dialogue but couldn't find it. Do you have sauce for that?

The genomes of the Orphan Black clones were also modified to give them enhanced powers of phyiscal strength. Kira inherited this trait from her mother, Sarah. This inherited modification allowed her to survive, unscathed, being hit by a car with a force that would have killed any other child.

Didn't the show explain that the infertility was caused by the same disorder causing polyps to grow in the clones' uteri?

It's one of those impossible situations isn't it? Base-10 Mathematical nomenclature colliding with Base-2's rock-and-roll needs.

I wonder how much the branding has to do with the object's survival? For instance, if you have room in your "safe" for a few objects, do you put in "The Ennion" or "That other cool looking glass thingy". The fact that an object has brand recognizability might not just artificially inflate it's worth but also it's

Spoiler tags. Too late for me but please.

I wonder if "VAL" is actually closer to "Viv" than to Siri?

I don't get Claire. She's clearly a genius on Root/Finch's level. She's also an apt liar and manipulator (a.k.a. not an idiot savant). If she's so good at what amounts to warfare how is it that she's so incredibly naive?

Exactly my beef with the episode, right down to the overly casual "12 angry men" reference that had just none of the meaty goodness of that movie. On the other hand I was able to let it go as I felt the episode was an improvement on the "control" episode, which is the worst one *ever*. On the whole the writing has

That must be a crucial problem, disjointed objects or no. Electric systems are quite vulnerable to disruption, especially in space. I wonder if there are a few non-visible theoretical advances at play in a system like this? In keeping with the artist's discussion of "dark matter drives" I feel safe to imagine a

"If I didn't induct it, it isn't a possibility. Wow, that leaves only three possibilities!"