
Fix the cigarette lighter…

Hey! Who wants an Orange Whip? *points at dwaynespeaksjive* Orange Whip? *points at Ash78* Orange Whip?

How do you figure you’re ENTITLED to those things? You want them, work for them. I use to be dirt fucking poor, in southern California no less. Nobody helped me. Didn’t ask for it, didn’t want it or need it. I was raised to take care of my self. Now I have a huge house in a great area, nice nest egg, and a good group

About six years ago we used to get sent to “Post up” the ambulance at a local park when another unit got sent on a call.

Unfortunately, I can now imagine U.S. “coach builders” (using that term rather loosely) starting to stretch A8s into prom and wedding limos.

Free college is NOT a sound idea.

I paid every dime of my college education while working and graduating Summa. I left college with zero debt. Not one penny. I proved that it is completely possible to do so. Why shouldn’t everyone else be able to do the same? And what is Bernie Sanders going to do for me, the

Every. Word. Truth. Try being a black conservative, those "tolerant" libs will turn on you in a second (sell-out, Uncle Tom...). Personal responsibility is such a foreign concept in todays world. It's not cold enough outside for Sanders to put his hands in his own pockets.

Sanders comes across as a genuine honest guy whos not corrupt, lying, dirty two faced, etc. My issue with him is his self-proclaimed socialist tendencies. From the several sites that have published his plans, and tax increases, it will seemingly cost me $1,000 a month to have him in office. I have a VW Jetta and a

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an

In the criminal justice system, vehicular based offenses are considered especially heinous. On the internet, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Vehicle Identification Unit. These are their stories.

If anyone wants a differently cropped version of the beautiful image above:

“rich-ass Manhattan and ever-richer Brooklyn.”

As a kid, I used to bristle at the other services calling the USAF the ‘country club service’, but alas, it has come to pass.

That’s what I learned to drive stick in. My buddy got an ‘88 model just like that (in 1996) for just about $1,000. We ran the hell out of it, but it couldn’t be killed. Then he sold it a year later for $1,500.

Even after reading the article my brain was unprepared when he hit the gas in the dyno video. Holy. Shitballs.

Since Albert Einstein first predicted their existence a century ago

California built truck, always in CA and always garaged. Near zero rust at this point nearly 50 years later. Eventually I’ll do a frame off. It has the inline 6 with 3 speed manual so you can’t get more basic. Just about impossible to kill it.

Exactly. “The customer is always right” is the rallying cry of entitled assholes who heap abuse on the heads of service industry employees because, most of the time, said assholes are special snowflakes who’ve never worked a day behind a cash register (or the like) in their life. I did twelve years of retail work and

Why do I get the feeling that this whole incident was planned and that there was something on those boats that we wanted the Iranians to find/detain?

Was hoping they saw the Iranians coming and dropped their sensitive items (proprietary or classified hardware, COMSEC equipment etc) into the drink to avoid capture or compromise.