
Indeed. I restrict my badmouthing to Volkswagen and Comcast.

There’s probably a difference between people who know they’re taking part in an evacuation drill for FAA certification and the usual random air travelers who never pay attention to the safety briefings, exit locations, or emergency procedures. Grabbing luggage wouldn’t help, of course, but we are talking about the

Pleasantly surprised I had to scroll down this far to see the first idiot make this comment. Please find your page at

Please return to Gawker main page. Here, I’ll help show you the way:

Don’t feel bad, there would be 9 cars total on the road here in NO if they came up with an emissions requirement. I have 6 cars and I would be down to 1.

As a Michigander, the idea of requiring a inspection to drive a car is just mind-boggling.

Considering that the Dems and Reps reatain power by keeping the country divided, it’s my opinion that Washington DC in general needs a good Troll to shake things up. I believe that sentiment is the source of Trump’s popularity, and to a large extent Bernie’s as well. Guys from outside “the estabilshment” who say stuff

You’re right, but he also has a point. I may think Trump is an absolute idiot in terms of his political beliefs, but I’m sick and tired of the same old polished “yes men” candidates who are too worried about specific demographics and voting numbers to state their real opinion. That’s not leadership. Leadership is

Stop paying attention to him? If Bernie Sanders doesn’t get the Democratic nomination (or more specifically if Hilary Clinton does get the nomination) and Trump’s on the ballot, I will vote for him. I appreciate that we know where he stands on the issues. I am presently convinced that he is far less corruptible than

1st: Body build quality and QA in the Wayne plant is so bad that I would move it to Mexico, too. These overpaid UAW members need to get their heads out of their butts before more people wise up and Detroit ends up being more of a rotting ghetto than it already is after every large business leaves the region. They have

While I can’t speak to the service department, the guys working the parts desk at virtually every BMW dealership I’ve ever dealt with have been awesome. I’ve got a manual e39 touring that they pretty much all end up fawning over, even though it’s not that nice of a car at this point.

From what my friends and family in the industry have said, working at a dealer like that absolutely robs any enthusiasm towards cars in the end. My formerly car crazy friend could not give two shits about the M3s, M5s, Z8s that come into the shop.

The most depressing thing about this is that people come in to have their license plates screwed on. I can only imagine what other shitty requests these people have to deal with.

“The Bespoke Audio system was created from scratch by a team of the world’s very best automotive audio engineers. The two-year development process saw the team work closely with Rolls-Royce interior designers to ensure the system was perfectly tuned to the interior of the cabin. Indeed, this pursuit of aural

You know, in my mind there’s a huge list of cars that I’d impulse buy if I happened to have the money and a good example popped up. It’s full of things like Ladas. So this makes perfect sense to me (runs off to look at a ‘79 AMX).

I actually only love plushy, heavy, floaty, four door preferably luxury cars. Especially from the 70s. Not all car enthusiasts fashion themselves action heroes with unlimited budgets, I hate going fast and I’m just a dude who likes night rides in South Florida.

1960’s Lincolns. They seem to be popping up a car shows more and more.

Carmax with maxcare ftw. On my second BMW now from carmax. First was a e90 335i now F10 550i... Couldn’t be happier.

COTD is back, funny videos are being served up on a regular basis, and there’s a totally new Miata... have we just entered the golden age of Jalopnik?