
I smell a choke job for the ages. It's going into extra-time at 2-2. Canada scores a pair in the last three minutes to tie.

No. Louis Pasteur.

IOC doctor is prescribing chronic for the knee.

Sorry Sweden, any other time I would back you, but this time Mother Russia has to be in the gold medal final on home ice; and their opponent has to be either Canada or USA. Epic dramatic REVENGE running through both story-lines.

Five...? You're overlooking a legitimate dark horse (presumably Finland?). Only Latvia and Slovenia don't stand a chance.

Tom. He needs a paycheck. Hey, when farting in a bag pays money, you fart in a bag. Repeatedly.

This is one of the best things DS has ever published.

To play in the NFL you MUST have a mean streak, and a semblance of a killer instinct

I award this thread TWO thumbs up!!

Where's the mandatory slo-mo face-plant gif?


Shorter version: Team Figure Skating competition is kinda like Team Gymnastics competition, but on ice skates. Kinda.

Thanks for doing the math and confirming that the United States incarcerates TWICE the number of her citizens as does the heavy handed freedum-hatin' authoritarian fascist police-state Rusk.

Good work Tim.

Completely agree. For the exact same reason, if somebody glances at me sideways, he's going to get a punch in the face. Because nobody's permitted to do that. Not in my world. Those are the rules. And you, my friend, just made a great post.

Two words:

What a ghastly man that Putin is. PRISON POPULATIONS:

Oh, you wanted "facts"...?

OMG! This is completely scandalous. What's next...? Tape-delayed broadcast in Russia?!? I'll bet they'll even do packages that completely eliminating foreign competitors while they're at it. Stalinist-purging authoritarian whack-jobs.