
Darnit! Came here to make the exact same comment

Totally agree. Just watched it again recently and it holds up great. Best of the trilogy, so I really don’t get this whinefest... It’s sorta like someone had a deadline and didn’t know what else to whine about.

Dammit, now I need to know what this Corellian gambit was all about!

Wtf did I just watch!?

I was unemotionally going through this list and when I saw Limitless I instantly got so sad. I’m miss this show sooo darn much already. I’m still naively holding out hope that it’ll get picked up, somewhere.... Netflix? You lookin for an awesome show for your lineup?

Lol! Omg, it’s so this!

I hope we end up getting a new Darkwing Duck out of all this

Now playing

Don’t know why everyone’s shitting all over the first movie so bad. I thought it was enjoyable for what it was. People can like what they want, but just try to enjoy things a bit more and try to avoid becoming a cynical asshole.

Did someone call me?

My theory is that Zoom is Jay Garrick and not Earth 1 Jay, but the current Earth 2 Jay...just from the future.

Got this idea once I saw that Harrison Wells helped develop Velocity-6 and Jay basically warns of the dire consequences (or something like that) of messing with the Speed Force. It’s a ‘living thing’ and it

Jessica Jones details, how The Flash could introduce Killer Frost

Ok it a bad show? Yeah. Is the storytelling all over the place? For sure. Is the acting mediocre at best? Yup! Are the characters’ motivations changing minute to minute and their actions completely idiotic? Well, yeah. But...............Yeah, that’s all I got. (I’m still watching the show as well btw, cuz I

No one has predicted the big twist that's coming at the end of this season.

HahahaHa! I wouldn't be surprised by that actually

Seriously, Laurel-hating is soo last year

All my comments are always stuck in Pending wtf!?

I say the Reverse Flash is gonna end up being Barry Allen from the future. Like the Barry who disappeared in the newspaper article in 2024 "Flash Missing, Vanishes in Crisis". That would also account for Grant Gustin "Holy crap" moment.

I want one for every room in my house!

I'm loving everything I've seen thus far from the new Flash tv show...except I'd be much happier with a bit of a brighter red for his costume. Come on guys, don't be afraid of colors! They're our friends!