
The one BF I actually have some money saved up, and I can't find anything I want to buy. I feel like Dr. Zoidberg.

My Lydia has perished many times. Can't carry all the plunder she holding, so it's worth it to me to just reload. Not always an easy choice.

I look to quests and side-quests to point Lydia and I in a direction. Once we set out, it often takes days to get to our intended destination.

Devs QA the shit out of AAA multiplayer releases. There is just no possible way to catch every possible exploitable in a increasingly complex virtual environment.

My metaphor was directed at on-disc-content sold as DLC. This rubs me the wrong way as, even though publishers view themselves as selling content, I feel l am buying a physical object (the disc) and should have access to all content available therein.

"About this $20K car you just purchased— $5,000 more gets you a key to the trunk! Inside you'll find extra storage for your gear, a spare tire featuring the Honda logo, and a gold-painted tire jack!!!"

That last bit, that's pretty fantastic.

He asked me my name, but he did not speak it, nor did anyone else, for all know the name "Gaylord Readypants" is a name of great power and game-breaking destruction.

Oh, yeah, the save thing. Some how, after 200+ hours in the Fallout universe, I had forgotten about this one.

Not that it's really a novel approach, but I've gotten really good at sniping snipers (at great distance) with the RPG. Point-of-fact, the RPG has become my primary weapon for medium to long distance engagements.

My good buddy and squad-mate loves the jihad jeep.

I hope they bring back the "open-ness" of San Andreas. I've played through IV god knows how many times, and I love Niko's story, but the city just felt too claustrophobic for a good 'ol rampage. Either that, or I've just outgrown my lust for that kind of carnage, which is a sad thought.

It's a thing! My buddy has one. One night, while a quite inebriated, we tried (unsuccessfully) to drill holes in the nipples to make it a milk dispenser.

Aside from the game's lag issues, many of the negative critiques I saw stated that there wasn't enough "game" in Rocksmith, but it seems like one's enjoyment of the title was proportional to whether one was expecting a game, or "gamification"— that sneaky way of teaching you something difficult through game-like

I have always thought of "caps lock" as THE BUTTON OF TRUTH. Have I been wrong all this time?


Haven't had cable since ~2006 when it magically appeared one day in my old apartment (always plug your cable in, this has happened to me twice now).

So essentially we want to kill just about the only business model where America is still relevant, where the spirit of innovation is still alive and well, our biggest growth industries, just so content owners can cling to their outdated business models?

Anybody else see a slice of pizza-pie instead "V" upon first glance? Really, nobody else saw it? I'm hungry.