
The kid could be lying, but he says 5 in the video.

I think I saw that episode of Doctor Who.

Admittedly I skipped through the (boring) video, but I saw no evidence of police pursuit.

Thanks! I’ll grab those, they have several of the early Hot Wheels.

Does the postal Jeep have rust?

Not neighborhood, but my uncle - the one responsible (along with my Dad) for turning me into a gearhead. More cars than I can probably remember, from a first year GTO with the 421 high output tri-carb, a 60's Jaguar S-Type, to the ultimate land barge, a 72 Caddy Eldorado convertible with the 500 inch engine.

My next door neighbor owned a speed shop (“Roger’s Speed Shop” right over the door) and had a Chevy Nova that was a purpose built quarter miler. Wrinkle slicks on the rear, skinny tires up front, parachute, the whole works. Just looking at it was a treat, but occasionally he’d fire it up for a few minutes. What

You moon-faced assassin of joy!


The orange one finally made Ford’s inspiration for the “grill” very clear.

So, you’re saying I’m super-human?

The funny thing is, there are better pictures of the lions. I framed that one with the back of the truck to show just how just how close to the road the kill was. 

I really should have said: “Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.”

Thanks for posting this Jason, I’ve paid up with the photo down below. It is a Mazda BT-50. Well done Crossdrilled and mtdrift!

Closer, but no cigar.


Naw, we see a LOT more Impala than Mazda.

Brother-in-law here (though I’d happily call Matt a brother), we have a winner!