OBDII? That's for the weak. Got any deals on a good stethoscope? I've got some carbs to balance...
OBDII? That's for the weak. Got any deals on a good stethoscope? I've got some carbs to balance...
P = T ω
Nice try, anonymous Ford Brand Manager.
I have a special place in my heart now for BOOSTang.
Ford M230ti
I have no clue what the deal is with this possibly-Spanish psuedo-dekotora Scania, but I do know that it rips some…
Anyone who dosen't consider the Cobra an American car can go fuck themselves with a cactus.
Can we put this to bed finally? If the Shelby Cobra is American, so is this; full stop.
You mean the scoop in the front bumper cover does not ensure a win?
Hey Patrick do you know of a place that pays top dollar for organs? I have a kidney that I don't need and an F-type that I can't live without.
Now all we need is Ferrari, an American manufacturer, and maybe Jaguar for good measure. Throw in a couple more privateer constructors (hey Dallara), and we could be on the cusp of some Group C times.
That was quite condescending. You mean to say that people who don't have the time, tools, confidence, or knowledge to work on cars, for whatever reasons, don't get your "respect as an enthusiast?" Seems like you don't respect an awful lot of people who truly love cars. You should re-evaluate your position.
Learning is hard but at least he is an enthusiast. Your shitty attitude is what keeps kids in toyotas.
I close the door and take a step back. Thick black smoke is coughing out of the back of my car, staining a pile of…
We're up all night to get Orlove'd
I'm gonna tip my hat to the team behind the Camry. Because you know there's amazing design and engineering talent, probably unlimited resources (a budget that could fund dozens of boutique supercar makers, all rolled into 1 car), and the success of one of the world's largest carmakers riding on your shouders. And you…