
The only game show that makes you ask yourself, how did I get here?

So they’re Forerunner Plasma Jockeys? That means...Halo is true?

Fucking casuals

>7 a.m. to attend Costa Mesa Cars and Coffee. But hey, it was worth it: an Aston Martin Lagonda showed up.

I think that was Pagani, but they didn’t use the same vehicle because of cost, they just did it because the Huayra frame is that strong. But then again I’m saying this based off of something I think i remember, so.....

Were gonna build a straight road, and the drifters are gonna pay for it.

My friend just got a LW body kit on his GTR, not the full hour wide body just basically additions to all the panels, and its on bags so I assume most are, something that low has to be.

Because the back seats were replaced with an engine. Its a Ford Focus Clio V6 Sport!!1!!one

Yep, I like it being in Aliso Viejo but pretty much every street has signs on it saying low revs, and don’t speed. It seems to work because I usually never see cops prowling around it.

...You literally have to agree to allow Google to record and analyze your voice in order to use the service.

One of the few things Jersey has going for it, if you drive slow in the left lane on 80, this will happen.

I wish people would stay out of the left god damn lane then


This exactly.

I think the one colon 1 makes a fair argument against it.

This really pisses me off. With how shitty every non enthusiast driver is, why the fuck do they need another thing to distract them while driving? Phones are a big enough god damn problem...I don't think installing one in the car will solve the problem.

Have you ever seen the trunk of a Vette? Im 6'5 and can fit in the back of a C6

As a Mazda driver, i must say the transmission is great, the clutch on the other hand, well if it comes with a clutch that isn't a switch that would just be dandy

I go to school in Long Island, for a state that has about 5 of the snowiest cities in the country (Go Cuse) they aren't prepared for anything, their biggest snow plows are pickup trucks and If it does snow the whole stupid place shuts down until it melts

Jesus Christ that guy hit the cow 12 years in the future