
At this point, I think we should call vALVE "Portal developer" or "Steam creatorers". 'Cause it's been 26 years since the last Half-Life iteration.

Come on. Come on, man.

*reads article*

I think you mean Major Tom. Houston is actually ground control.

I was tempted to go with "no", but yeah.

Yeah, I think the problem is-and don't hate me-CoD. See, it just made so much money that developers (some of them, anyway) believe that by adding multiplayer, ANY multiplayer, it will automatically raise their ceiling from, say, three million sold to five million sold, just because it has multiplayer.

Nah, it's more of a lying contest.

I know what's in the box.

Okay, f*ck this. Jason, I'm tasking you with something.

Not to be rude or anything, but there was nothing "CONSTRUCTIVE" in what you just posted.

Yeah, you're awful, bruce. Stop writing random insults with no supporting logic or reasoning.

I know this is WAY late (I was on vacation) but...

Did you know that Crecente's hair can produce jet fuel?

I was talking more launch titles, but I own Gravity Rush and you're right: it is AMAZING.

Before the Vita came out, Totilo said; "Hey! Look at all of these great Vita launch/launch window games! I'm gonna get a Vita at launch because of them!" And few-if any-were actually great. My point here is that it didn't take a lot of research on those games to find out that Sony actually didn't have much beyond

See, I don't know, Totilo...I respect you and the site and all...but didn't you write an article about you being "onboard" with the Vita launch because it looked "amazing"? I mean, it didn't, and wasn't. Sure the Vita itself is awesome, but if your assessment of that was the mark, I'm not sure I want to get

Ah, but when will the Wii U be out for ZombieU?

This highlights the problem I have with free speech. If you believe in free speech, these guys have the right to say this shit. Free speech can't just be for stuff we like. Articles like this are the only way to fight such nonsense. The Tweets of good people is the only way to fight.

Well, call me crazy, but I think there's no articles about the death of the Vita for precisely the reasons you described: those who called the 3DS dead last year ended up looking terribly stupid, so they're reluctant to poop on the Vita now.