
2K: What are these strange things?

Ah! Thank you!

"...its capcom so they will do it eventually..."

"...coming from the company who thought their old library was enough of a threat to sales of their current library..."

I like your style, blueTunic.

HA! Me too.

All right, fine, but I think that whoever says that should probably put up their own 'shop, just 'cause.

I think you have a point.

Ah, that was funny.

Naw, I wouldn't do that. If anything, the only thing I can do now is OVER-estimate.

*reads review, sizes up sidebar*

Man. I'm on my third playthrough of DI. The second one had to be abandoned OVER halfway through due to bugs.

Yeah, it sucks though. I mean, people have responded to this comment, and every time I load the page the first thing that comes up-for some reason-is the pic of that guy on his plane.

Really? That's what that says?

So what? ONE GUY had his Vita fail.

"I think we have been really apologetic (Editor: He means forgiving)"


Demon's Souls is standing in a cell.

"He raged so hard that he then dc'ed, looked up the player's name up on irc and DDoSed the irc bouncer that she used offline. Having realised he'd accomplished nothing, he then proceeded to DDoS the entire Barrysworld server array for a week, out of petty vengeance for being made to look like a

I believe the correct phrase is;