
*reads article*

PC gamers..........are everywhere.

*pokes head in*

Fair enough on your implication. Agreed.

I'll tell you why you should pay $60 for Dark Souls.

"Thanks for telling me what I've bought and how I should feel about it. "

I don't know if anyone pointed this out already, but...

The colouring and artistic style remind me of early Spawn comics.

And, from a bygone era, a person emerges into the present and reads the comment of shufflemoomin, and spakes thusly:

See, no. It's like us Canadians with Nickleback. They sell "millions", are always on the radio, but strangely you'll never meet anyone who has actually bought a Nickleback record. Or who like Nickleback.

"I like Noel Gallagher better when he talks about stuff he knows..."

"Yea that's cute and all. But it's not JUST about the Mega Man fans, it's about making new ones! Mario does this every generation, yet Capcom can't lift a finger into making MM appeal to the masses. I'm calling Capcom's bluff, pure laziness. I'd would LOVE to be proven wrong."

"...I got the best woman who was ever on this planet to marry me."

Man, I'm with you, but I do it with nearly all my games. Unless it's like, Halo or the Elder Scrolls, I wait until at least a couple of patches come down before I start tossin' scrilla around.

I disagree. What Chub is talking about is Social Darwinism. When someone dies because they don't have the societal advantages, help or support to beat an addiction, they simply die. Saying it's natural selection is like saying that a when a crack addict dies, it's natural selection. are.

Naw, dude, that ain't Natural Selection. It ain't even close.

Ghost Recon 2.

"Iwata apparently reiterated that Nintendo has no plans to sell its games to other non-Nintendo platforms."

/the following is friendly jesting/