
Don't worry. Give it a few years and they'll be capping you too. It sucks, but it's gonna happen.

Gotta ask, Mr. Ashcraft-and I'm not being flippant here-but how can you say that something is a fetish for an entire country for a week? I've been seeing catgirls and *ahem* giant breasts for ages now.

I'm surprised that there weren't more unreasonable comments here.

The way the story was told, yeah; I loved that too. It's a shame they didn't use a device like that in the second. But yeah, it really is odd that we feel the exact opposite about resistance 1.

Hey!! You brought the "Manly" back!!!

My problem with the resistance series is that the gameplay had no bite. I mean, the weapons were cool and all, but when I used them I didn't get that visceral feeling that i get when I shoot, say, a Needle Rifle or the infiltrator's Assault Rifle or a Scar.

I disagree. I think the point of the article is this: the way the author is living is an indication of how people will live into the future, as internet based technologies become more prevalent in our homes. Hence Mr. Vrignoud *giggle* is insisting that there be no cap at all, that in a way that the cap is

Fellow Canucks! Just in case.....

Hey! Why'd you drop the "Manly", if you don't mind my asking?

Seventh? You got Mad Skillz, as the kids say. Any chance I could see the other six somewhere?

"Oh how i miss being a teen again."

Dude, I'll be as civil as I can. I recognize that I got us off on the wrong foot. I apologize. Allow me to try again.

I hope I don't pay 70 bucks and still find those glitch goals.

I feel obligated to point out that being a libertarian makes you part of a group.

Me too. It starts with this:

What I just read was a stake driven into the heart of this thread. I agree with you more strongly than I have with any other post I've ever read.

So, what, if a vocal group of fans want Master Chief in a pink skirt with a gun that shoots cat farts, then that's what should happen? Not being flippant or anything, just askin'.

Every single one, huh?

In the vast majority of games I played where there was killing involved, I never played a murderer. I played a patriot, a soldier, a space marine, a space marine, a space marine, a spiritual assassin, a space marine and many, many more.

I'm not being rude or anything, but I have a few problems with your post.