
Dear MS and Sony:

@JimThePea: Ah! But for one hundred points can you tell me the NAME of that Cardassian?

@McMinigote: Yeah, no processor could handle the polygon count.

Nah, it wasn't a dodge. I was a dick, I apologized, and that's the end of that.

@petersays: AH! I see. As a master peddler of all things unfunny, I agree: that isn't funny.

@Sir Beefychu: Yeah. I will also add my 'no' to this.

@QualityJeverage: At the risk of making myself look like a complete idiot....I don't get it.

@Link2010: Hang on...did you just say that a person who allegedly sexually abused a boy the age of thirteen....shouldn't be charged?

No, I haven't. Is it the same thing with the DLC?

I don't know, man. Valve kind of have a reputation for treating the gamer with respect. Paying 2 bones a pop for cosmetics is something I expect from the MS Avatar shop, but not from Valve.

Because usually I'm articulate, well mannered, insightful and tempered. Additionally, I usually don't judge commentors based on one post. I recognize that we're all human and prone to mistakes every now and then. As a result, discourse with me on the comments section is usually a peaceful, enlightening affair.

True, true. Good point.

@Snoochtastic: Careful, man. They don't like it when you point that stuff out. It's an ongoing problem that seems to be insurmountable to the staff.

Yeah, it was an overreaction. Apologies. Apologies. It's just that it was late at night, I'd just gotten my ass handed to me in Crysis 2 AGAIN, I was grumpy.

Yeah, it was probably an overreaction. Still, not a fanboy! Just sayin', no need for trollin'.

@ethic: I've thought long and hard about what I feel the most proper, ethical, thoughtful and appropriate response to this comment should be.

For me? Gimmie Halo. Gimmie Assassin's Creed. Gimmie Demon's Souls.