
@Arbron: For me it's pretty cut and dry: if you click 'accept' on the terms of use and whatnot, then Sony can take away other OS from you. If you don't click on 'accept', then...well...I don't know.

@SanjiX: Sadly, yes, this is true. But, are you saying that the sixaxis is a notion swiped from the Wii?

Did anyone actually read the article? I'm not being snarky here, I'm honestly asking. Because what he's saying about the longevity of the PS3 does make sense to me.

2 Kold don't truck with demos or betas, yo.

@LuckyChuck: I'm lovin' KZ3. I think that there will always be the KZ2 players who hate on it, but for me it's awesome. I think basically everything about the multiplayer is improved and the additions are awesome, it's more user friendly, etc.. Yet the core game play is pretty much the same.

God I love that show. I've watched through the series at least six times and I got a hankerin' for another run through. I didn't think it's a quote from anywhere, but it could be. I remember Beatie Russell saying about the dead prostitutes in the can; "What they need is a union."

What the hell....? You mean, Zork? Is it Zork time again?

"Using Pitchford's "ceiling" analogy, wouldn't those games have been better served focusing and polishing their singleplayer campaigns?"


"People pay them for a secure environment, and to not have to deal with little shit no life basement dwellers who cheat and steal just for the fuck of it."

Did you say yes to their terms of agreement? The same as you do when you open a bank account, go to work in a unionized environment, or do a hundred other things in your life where they hand you a contract? Yes? Then they can do whatever they have outlined in the terms of agreement.

EXACTLY. If you go with 'accept' after the terms of agreement, then you 'accept' them. If you don't want to 'accept' them, then return your ps3 and buy an xbox.

I think for the most part the editors just pick regulars commentators they like, who are articulate and all of that, but lately it comes from the speak-up thing. If you're featured, you get a star.


So, what, in your Kotaku there's no jokes allowed?

F**k it. I'm gonna develop the next Cod game. And It's gonna be a porn game. And you know what it's gonna be called?

Is what a quote from somewhere?

Well, for starters the ability to bargain for the prevention of arbitrarily firing 205 employees.

Habs season ticket holders?