
I like Totilo's approach to this article. It was uncompromising. I get the impression that he feels like I do: that what made Battlefield 2 unique is missing from the pieces of Battlefield 3 that he was shown. Like me, I don't think he wants a CoD competitor to be so because it's like CoD. He wants it to compete by

@DarkPGR: Firstly, I don't really agree with you, that they stole the feature. But, for the moment, let's say I do agree with you.

@diabeetis: What I like about Battlefield is this:

"If it was KZ2 online; then all of you guys would've been dead by me and the real community."

@Fluorine: Okay, I haven't played WoW and have no knowledge about it, so I have to ask: what is 'sheeping'? Is it....what I think it is?

Biggun ain't no troll. Dumbass? Probably. Sexual inept? For sure. Woman trapped in a man's body? Very likely.

But I find that depends on the type of bluetooth that a person has. In Killzone 2, I can't understand anything anyone says. It all sounds echoy and faint. But on LIVE, I understand people on a more consistent, clearer level, even if I wish I couldn't. Especially since they made the chat better with that recent update.

I don't mean to be rude, but...did you miss the word 'sketch' at the very beginning?

"It's great that you take the time to read the article but the fact of the matter is — and this has been proven over and over throughout the course of humanity — people are incredibly lazy."

For myself, if a game gets, say, a five, I want to know why it gets a five, so I read. If a game gets a nine, I want to know what's so great about it, so I read. In the above article I know that Mr. Good likes the game, but should I purchase it? That's what an eight or a nine would tell me.


@negitoro: "Choices need to be allowed somewhat but each choice needs to have a consequence of that choice and those choices mean that the story's impact is reduced further (since it needs to account for many different versions of each version)."

@Wezurii: Very well said. I wrote a little thing on speakup about this. My point was that video games are a new medium in which to tell a new kind of story. It's an unprecedented opportunity for creativity to be expressed.

@waffles1993: No, they changed back pretty recently. I think they listened to the readers, so kudos to them.

I don't want to start any trouble with people who loved Oblivion-to each his own-but everything Oblivion did, Morrowind did better, in my opinion.

I'm all for Bioware trying something new with DA 2. I don't want Dragon Age again, just with a few different skills and spells. They made Mass Effect 2 radically different, and I love both games.

Dem's fightin' words.